The path to the files to copy. Specifies the absolute path of the source folder or file on the local machine or a UNC Share, like c:\fabrikamfiber or \\fabrikamshare\fabrikamfiber. You can use predefined system variables, such as $(Build.Repository.LocalPath) (the working folder on the agent computer), which makes it easy to specify the location of the build artifacts on the computer that hosts the automation agent.
MachineNames - Machines string. Required.
Specifies a comma-separated list of machine IP addresses or FQDNs, optionally including the port number.
For example:,, You can also specify the output variable of other tasks, for example $(variableName), or you can use the name of an Azure Resource Group.
MachineNames - Machines string.
Specifies a comma-separated list of machine IP addresses or FQDNs, optionally including the port number. For example:,, You can also specify the output variable of other tasks, for example $(variableName), or you can use the name of an Azure Resource Group.
AdminUserName - Admin Login string. Required.
Specifies the username of a domain or a local administrative account on the target host(s). Formats such as domain\username, username, and machine-name\username are supported. UPN formats, such as, and built-in system accounts, such as NT Authority\System, are not supported.
AdminUserName - Admin Login string.
Specifies the username of a domain or a local administrative account on the target host(s). Formats such as domain\username, username, and machine-name\username are supported. UPN formats, such as, and built-in system accounts, such as NT Authority\System, are not supported.
AdminPassword - Password string. Required.
Specifies the password for the administrator login for the target machines. Variables defined in build or release pipelines, such as $(passwordVariable), are accepted. You can mark the variable as secret to secure it.
AdminPassword - Password string.
Specifies the password for the administrator login for the target machines. Variables defined in build or release pipelines, such as $(passwordVariable), are accepted. You can mark the variable as secret to secure it.
TargetPath - Destination Folder string. Required.
Specifies the local path on the target machines or an accessible UNC path for copying the files from the source, like d:\fabrikam or \\fabrikam\Web.
Use this task to copy application files and other artifacts, such as PowerShell scripts and PowerShell-DSC modules, which are required to install the application on Windows machines. It uses RoboCopy, the command-line utility built for fast copying of data.
Why do I get a system error 53 when using this task?
Typically this occurs when the specified path cannot be located.
This may be due to a firewall blocking the necessary ports for file and printer sharing or an invalid path specification. For more details, see
Error 53 on TechNet.
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