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Provide access to Azure Operator Nexus Resources with an Azure role-based access control

Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC) is an authorization system built on Azure Resource Manager that provides fine-grained access management of Azure resources.

The Azure RBAC model allows users to set permissions on different scope levels: management group, subscription, resource group, or individual resources. Azure RBAC for key vault also allows users to have separate permissions on individual keys, secrets, and certificates.

For more information, see Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC).

Operator Nexus built-in roles

Azure Operator Nexus provides the following built-in roles.

Operator Nexus Compute Contributor Role (Preview)

Operator Nexus Keyset Administrator Role (Preview)

Operator Nexus Owner Role (Preview)


Preview roles are subject to change.

Operator Nexus Compute Contributor Role (Preview)

The user with this role can have full access to manage and configure Nexus resources, including creating, modifying, and deleting resources related to Nexus infrastructure.

Actions Description
Microsoft.Authorization/*/read Read roles and role assignments
Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations/deploy/action Deploy permissions to a Custom Location resource
Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations/read Gets a Custom Location resource
Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/extensions/read Reads any Azure Arc extensions
Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/read Read any Azure Arc machines
Microsoft.Insights/alertRules/* Create and manage a classic metric alert
Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters/read Read connectedClusters
Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/extensions/read Gets extension instance resource
Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabricControllers/join/action Join action for Network Fabric Controller resource.
Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/join/action Join action for Network Fabric resource.
Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkRacks/join/action Join action for Network Rack resource.
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/cordon/action Cordon the provided bare metal machine's Kubernetes node
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/delete Delete the provided bare metal machine. All customer initiated requests will be rejected as the life cycle of this resource is managed by the system.
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/powerOff/action Power off the provided bare metal machine
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/read Get properties of the provided bare metal machine
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/reimage/action Reimage the provided bare metal machine
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/replace/action Replace the provided bare metal machine
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/restart/action Restart the provided bare metal machine
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/runDataExtracts/action Run one or more data extractions on the provided bare metal machine.
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/runReadCommands/action Run one or more read-only commands on the provided bare metal machine.
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/start/action Start the provided bare metal machine
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/uncordon/action Uncordon the provided bare metal machine's Kubernetes node
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/write Create a new bare metal machine or update the properties of the existing one. All customer initiated requests will be rejected while life cycling the resource.
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusterManagers/delete Delete the provided cluster manager
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusterManagers/read Get the properties of the provided cluster manager
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusterManagers/write Create a new cluster manager or update properties of the cluster manager if it exists
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/bareMetalMachineKeySets/read Get bare metal machine key set of the provided cluster
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/bmcKeySets/read Get baseboard management controller key set of the provided cluster
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/continueUpdateVersion/action Trigger the continuation of an update for a cluster with a matching update strategy that has paused after completing a segment of the update
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/delete Delete the provided cluster
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/deploy/action Deploy the cluster using the rack configuration provided during creation
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/metricsConfigurations/delete Delete the metrics configuration of the provided cluster
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/metricsConfigurations/read Get metrics configuration of the provided cluster
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/metricsConfigurations/write Create new or update the existing metrics configuration of the provided cluster
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/read Get properties of the provided cluster
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/scanRuntime/action Triggers the execution of a runtime protection scan to detect and remediate detected issues, in accordance with the cluster configuration
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/updateVersion/action Update the version of the provided cluster to one of the available supported versions
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/write Create a new cluster or update the properties of the cluster if it exists
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/locations/operationStatuses/read Read operation status
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/operations/read Read operation
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/rackSkus/read Get the properties of the provided rack SKU
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/racks/delete Delete the provided rack. All customer initiated requests will be rejected as the life cycle of this resource is managed by the system
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/racks/join/action Join a Nexus rack
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/racks/read Get properties of the provided rack
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/racks/write Create a new rack or update properties of the existing one. All customer initiated requests will be rejected as the life cycle of this resource is managed by the system
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/register/action Register the subscription for Microsoft.NetworkCloud
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/registeredSubscriptions/read Read registered subscriptions
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/storageAppliances/read Get properties of the provided storage appliance
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/unregister/action Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.NetworkCloud
Microsoft.Resources/deployments/* Create and manage a deployment
Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourceGroups/read Gets or lists resource groups


In some instances, it may be necessary to assign additional actions to the user. One solution would be to create a custom role with the below actions to be assigned to the user in conjunction with the Operator Nexus Compute Contributor role.

Ancillary Operator Nexus Compute Contributor Actions

Actions Description
Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/write Creates a new workspace or links to an existing workspace by providing the customer id from the existing workspace.
Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/read Gets an existing workspace
Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups/write Creates or updates a resource group.

Operator Nexus Keyset Administrator Role (Preview)

Manage interactive access to Azure Operator Nexus Compute resources by adding, removing, and updating baremetal machine (BMM) and baseboard management (BMC) keysets. |

Actions Description
Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations/deploy/action Deploy permissions to a Custom Location resource
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/bareMetalMachineKeySets/delete Delete a bare metal machine key set of the provided cluster
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/bareMetalMachineKeySets/read Get bare metal machine key set of the provided cluster
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/bareMetalMachineKeySets/write Create a new or update an existing bare metal machine key set of the provided cluster
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/bmcKeySets/read Get baseboard management controller key set of the provided cluster
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/bmcKeySets/write Create a new or update an existing baseboard management controller key set of the provided cluster
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/bmcKeySets/delete Delete a baseboard management controller key set of the provided cluster

Operator Nexus Owner Role (Preview)

The user with this role has access to perform all actions on any Microsoft.NetworkCloud resource within the scope assignment.

Actions Description
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/* Perform any action on a Microsoft.NetworkCloud resource