F# 4.6 adds multiple improvements to the F# language.
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F# 4.6 is available in all .NET Core distributions and Visual Studio tooling. Get started with F# to learn more.
Anonymous records
Anonymous records are a new kind of F# type introduced in F# 4.6. They are simple aggregates of named values that don't need to be declared before use. You can declare them as either structs or reference types. They're reference types by default.
open System
let getCircleStats radius =
let d = radius * 2.0let a = Math.PI * (radius ** 2.0)
let c = 2.0 * Math.PI * radius
{| Diameter = d; Area = a; Circumference = c |}
let r = 2.0let stats = getCircleStats r
printfn "Circle with radius: %f has diameter %f, area %f, and circumference %f"
r stats.Diameter stats.Area stats.Circumference
They can also be declared as structs for when you want to group value types and are operating in performance-sensitive scenarios:
open System
let getCircleStats radius =
let d = radius * 2.0let a = Math.PI * (radius ** 2.0)
let c = 2.0 * Math.PI * radius
struct {| Diameter = d; Area = a; Circumference = c |}
let r = 2.0let stats = getCircleStats r
printfn "Circle with radius: %f has diameter %f, area %f, and circumference %f"
r stats.Diameter stats.Area stats.Circumference
They're quite powerful and can be used in numerous scenarios. Learn more at Anonymous records.
ValueOption functions
The ValueOption type added in F# 4.5 now has "module-bound function parity" with the Option type. Some of the more commonly-used examples are as follows:
// Multiply a value option by 2 if it has valuelet xOpt = ValueSome 99let result = xOpt |> ValueOption.map (fun v -> v * 2)
// Reverse a string if it existslet strOpt = ValueSome "Mirror image"let reverse (str: string) =
match str with
| null
| "" -> ValueNone
| s ->
|> Array.rev
|> string
|> ValueSome
let reversedString = strOpt |> ValueOption.bind reverse
This allows for ValueOption to be used just like Option in scenarios where having a value type improves performance.
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F# is an open-source, cross-platform programming language that makes it easy to write succinct, performant, robust, and practical code. It's a general-purpose language that enables you to create many different types of applications like Web API, Desktop, IoT, Gaming and more.