When publishing the agent to the web, you can publish to a prebuilt demo website (which you can use to share the agent with your teammates and stakeholders). You can also publish to your own live website.
When should I use the demo website and when should I use my own website?
You should use the demo website only to try out the agent and share it with your teammates or other stakeholders who want to try out the agent. It's not intended for production uses, for example, you shouldn't use it directly with customers.
You should publish and use the agent on your live website for production scenarios, such as a help agent on your help webpage for customers to interact with.
This article contains Microsoft Copilot Studio preview documentation and is subject to change.
Preview features aren't meant for production use and may have restricted functionality. These features are available before an official release so that you can get early access and provide feedback.
A prebuilt demo website is automatically created for you when you publish your agent. Your teammates and stakeholders can use the demo website to try out the agent while you're building it. You might want to customize the demo site to guide your teammates' testing efforts. Publish the agent to your live website when it's ready for customers to use.
When should you use the demo website and when should you use your own website?
You should use the demo website only to try out your agent, or to share it with teammates and stakeholders who want to try it out. It's not intended for production use. You shouldn't give the URL to customers. Publish the agent on your live website for customers to use.
Customize the demo website
Edit the demo website's welcome message and trigger phrases as often as you like. The welcome message can explain the purpose of the testing and prompt your teammates for what to ask the agent.
Open your agent and on the top menu bar, select Settings.
On the side navigation pane, select Security.
Select Authentication and then No authentication, and then select Save.
Exit Settings and on the top menu bar, select Channels.
Under Channels, select Demo website.
On the Demo Website pane, under Welcome message, enter the message you want your teammates to see.
Under Conversation starters, enter a list of trigger phrases.
Trigger phrases are what initiate specific topics, so you could enter trigger phrases for topics that you want your teammates to test.
Select Save.
Copy the demo website URL and share it with your teammates.
Add your agent to your website
When your agent is ready for customers, add it to your website as an iframe code snippet. Your live website can be external or internal, like a SharePoint site. You can also add the agent to your Power Platform admin center.
Open your agent and on the top menu bar, select Channels.
Select Custom website, and then either:
Select Copy to copy the embed code to the clipboard.
Select Share to email to open a compose window in your default email app, with the code snippet included.
Provide the snippet to your web developer to add the agent to your website.
You can edit the welcome message and suggested trigger phrases for the demo website. A welcome message helps prompt your teammates for what they should ask the agent about.
You can change the welcome message to explain the intent or purpose of the testing, and you can change it as often as you like. So you could create a welcome message asking to test out conversations related to store hours and then, after making updates to the agent, change the welcome message to ask testers to try conversations related to gift cards.
Update the demo website
Open your agent and on the top menu bar, select Settings.
On the side navigation pane, select Security.
Select Authentication and then No authentication, and then select Save.
Exit Settings and on the top menu bar, select Channels.
Under Channels, select Demo website.
On the Demo Website pane, under Welcome message, enter the message you want your teammates to see.
Enter a list of suggested trigger phrases in the Conversation starters text field. Trigger phrases are what initiate specific topics, so you could customize your trigger phrases to specific topics that you want your teammates to try out.
To share the demo website link, copy the demo website URL and share it with your teammates directly.
Custom website
You can add your agent to a live website as an iframe. Your live website can be a customer-facing external website or an internal site, like a SharePoint site.
You can also add the agent to your Power Platform admin center.
Add agent to your website
Under the agent settings, select Channels.
Select Custom website and then select Copy to copy it directly to the clipboard, or Share to email to open a new email message with the snippet included, in your default email app.
Provide the snippet to your web developer to add the agent to your website.