Applies to: Partner Center | Partner Center operated by 21Vianet | Partner Center for Microsoft Cloud for US Government
To improve our security posture, we're deprecating audience tokens. To align with this improvement, we're changing how you call Partner Center APIs. Take the necessary actions to prepare for this change.
If you use the generateToken API, stop decoding the token in the API response, and remove dependency on any of the claims in the token that the API returns. The newer version of the API might not contain all the claims.
Here's what you can expect:
Starting 27-February-2025:
A new version of the generateToken API is available that only accepts audience tokens for both usertoken and app-only scenarios. Partners must make this change before the end of August 2025.
If you call the Partner Center API directly by sending an Azure AD Graph audience token, you must start sending
For example, resource={client-ID-here}&client_secret={client-secret-here}&grant_type=client_credentials
For china, must be changed to
Planned for August 2025:
Older version of generatetoken API is being deprecated (v3 continues to work)
Partner Center APIs are no longer accepting audience tokens
New to Microsoft Graph? Microsoft Graph Fundamentals is a multi-part series that teaches you basic concepts of Microsoft Graph. It will guide you with hands-on exercises on how to use Microsoft Graph API requests to start developing or enhancing your applications with Microsoft 365 data.
Partner Center uses Microsoft Entra ID for authentication, and to use the Partner Center APIs you must configure your authentication settings correctly.
Learn how CSP partners can use Partner Center REST APIs to integrate their CRM and billing software with Microsoft systems to better manage customer accounts.
Learn how Cloud Solution Provider program partners can use the Partner Center API to programmatically manage customer accounts, orders, support, and billing.
For partners calling Partner Center APIs, learn which APIs are affected by Microsoft API throttling and best practices to avoid or better handle throttling.