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Device deployment resources

Applies to: Partner Center

The following resources are related to device deployment.


ConfigurationPolicy provides information about a configuration policy.

Property Type Description
ID string A GUID-formatted string that identifies the policy.
name string The friendly name for the policy.
category string The category.
description string The policy description.
devicesAssignedCount number The number of devices assigned to this policy.
policySettings array of strings The policy settings: "none","remove_oem_preinstalls","oobe_user_not_local_admin","skip_express_settings","skip_oem_registration", "skip_eula".
createdDate string in UTC date-time format The date and time the policy was created.
lastModifiedDate string in UTC date-time format The date and time the policy was last modified.
attributes ResourceAttributes The metadata attributes.


Device provides information about a device.

Property Type Description
ID string A GUID-formatted string that identifies the device.
serialNumber string The serial number uniquely associated with the device.
productKey string The product key uniquely associated with the device.
hardwareHash string The hardware hash uniquely associated with the device.
modelName string The model name associated with the device.
oemManufacturerName string The name of the OEM manufacturer associated with the device.
policies array of objects The list of policies assigned to the device.
uploadedDate string in UTC date-time format The date and time the device details were uploaded.
allowedOperations array of strings The list of HTTP methods allowed on a device sync as GET, PATCH, DELETE.
attributes ResourceAttributes The metadata attributes.


BatchUploadDetails describes the status of a device batch upload of information about each device in a list of devices.

Property Type Description
batchTrackingId string A GUID-formatted string that is associated with the batch of devices uploaded.
status string The status of the batch upload: "unknown","queued","processing","finished","finished_with_errors".
startedTime string in UTC date-time format The date and time that the batch upload process started.
completedTime string in UTC date-time format The date and time that the batch upload process completed.
devicesStatus array of DeviceUploadDetails resources An array of objects that specify the status of each device information upload.
attributes ResourceAttributes The metadata attributes.


DeviceUploadDetails describes the status of an upload of information about a device.

Property Type Description
deviceId string A GUID-formatted string that is associated with the device.
serialNumber string The serial number uniquely associated with the device.
productKey string The product key uniquely associated with the device.
status string The status of the device information upload. The values can be in-progress, finished or finished_with_errors.
errorCode string The HTTP status error code returned if the device upload fails.
errorDescription string The HTTP error description if the device upload fails.
attributes ResourceAttributes The metadata attributes.


DeviceBatch represents a collection of devices.

Property Type Description
ID string A GUID-formatted string that is associated with the batch of devices.
createdBy string The name of the tenant that created the collection.
creationDate string in UTC date-time format The data and time that the collection was created.
deviceCount number The number of devices in the collection.
devicesLink Link A link to the devices contained in this batch.
attributes ResourceAttributes The metadata attributes.


DeviceBatchCreationRequest provides the information required to create a device batch and populates it with devices.

Property Type Description
batchId string A GUID-formatted string that is associated with the batch of devices.
devices array of Device objects Each object specifies a device. The following combinations of fields for identifying a device are accepted: hardwareHash and productKey, hardwareHash and serialNumber, hardwareHash and productKey with serialNumber, hardwareHash only, productKey only, serialNumber and oemManufacturerName with modelName.
attributes ResourceAttributes The metadata attributes.


DevicePolicyUpdateRequest provides the information required to update a list of devices with a policy.

Property Type Description
devices array of Device objects Each object specifies a device. The following properties are required: ID and Policies.
attributes ResourceAttributes The metadata attributes.