900 XP

Understand Conditional Access policies using Microsoft Intune

Microsoft Endpoint Manager
Microsoft 365

Microsoft Intune uses groups to assign policies, such as Conditional Access policies and endpoint security policies. Conditional Access makes sure that only trusted users can access organizational resources on trusted devices using trusted apps.

Learning objectives

In this module, you will:

  • Understand how to manage devices, apps, and policies based on groups.
  • Understand how trusted users can access organizational resources on trusted devices using trusted apps.
  • Learn about common ways to use Conditional Access.
  • Learn about configuring and managing device security.



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მოდულის შეფასება

შეაფასეთ, რამდენად გაიგეთ ეს მოდული. შედით სისტემაში და უპასუხეთ ყველა შეკითხვას სწორად, რომ მიიღოთ ჩაბარების აღნიშვნა პროფილზე.

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