D3D12GetDebugInterface function (d3d12.h)
Gets a debug interface.
Use D3D12GetInterface to directly access newer interfaces, especially downlevel.
HRESULT D3D12GetDebugInterface(
[in] REFIID riid,
[out, optional] void **ppvDebug
[in] riid
The globally unique identifier (GUID) for the debug interface. The REFIID, or GUID, of the debug interface can be obtained by using the __uuidof() macro. For example, __uuidof(ID3D12Debug) will get the GUID of the debug interface.
[out, optional] ppvDebug
Type: void**
The debug interface, as a pointer to pointer to void. See ID3D12Debug and ID3D12DebugDevice.
This method returns one of the Direct3D 12 Return Codes.
The function signature PFN_D3D12_GET_DEBUG_INTERFACE is provided as a typedef, so that you can use dynamic linking techniques (GetProcAddress) instead of statically linking.
Enable the D3D12 debug layer.
// Enable the D3D12 debug layer.
ComPtr<ID3D12Debug> debugController;
if (SUCCEEDED(D3D12GetDebugInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&debugController))))
Refer to the Example Code in the D3D12 Reference.
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | d3d12.h |
Library | D3D12.lib |
DLL | D3D12.dll |