Shell SDK Samples
This section describes the individual Shell samples included in the Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) and, in most cases, downloadable from the MSDN Code Gallery.
- Windows SDK Locations
- MSDN Code Gallery Locations
- Shell Samples
When you download and install the Windows 7 SDK, samples are included in that installation. Use of the default SDK installation path results in the samples being placed under C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0\Samples\
. Using the default installation path, the Shell samples listed below are found in the following folders:
- C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0\Samples\WinUI\Shell\AppPlatform
- C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0\Samples\WinUI\Shell\AppShellIntegration
- C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0\Samples\WinUI\Shell\LegacySamples
- C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0\Samples\WinUI\Shell\ShellExtensibility
Shell samples can also be individually downloaded through the MSDN Code Gallery. Most Shell samples listed below can be found on the following pages:
- Windows Shell Application Samples on Code Gallery
- Windows Shell Extensibility Samples on Code Gallery
- Windows Shell Integration Samples on Code Gallery
Topic | Contents |
Aero Wizards Sample | Demonstrates how to migrate Wizard 97 software to the Aero Wizard. |
Application User Model ID (AppUserModelID) Window Property Sample | Demonstrates how to control the taskbar grouping behavior of an application's windows through the System.AppUserModel.ID property. |
Automatic Jump List Sample | Demonstrates how to add items to the automatic Jump List for an application, including switching between the display of the Frequent and Recent categories. |
Change Notify Watcher Sample | Demonstrates how to listen to Shell change notifications on a folder or item in the Windows Explorer namespace. |
Common File Dialog Modes Sample | Demonstrates how to use the Common File Dialog in different modes to pick files, containers (folders) or both files and folders (basket mode) without dismissing the dialog. |
Common File Dialog Sample | Demonstrates how to create a custom file open/save dialog by using different Common File Dialog APIs. |
CreateProcess Verb Sample | Demonstrates how to implement a Shell verb using the CreateProcess method. |
Custom Jump List Sample | Demonstrates how to create a custom Jump List for an application, including adding a custom category and tasks. |
Drag-and-Drop Visuals Sample | Demonstrates how to use the Shell drag-and-drop services to get the presentation features that Shell drag-and-drop supports for both targets and sources. |
DropTarget Verb Sample | Demonstrates how to implement a Shell verb using the DropTarget method. |
Execute Command Verb Sample | Demonstrates how to implement a Shell verb using the ExecuteCommand method. |
Execute In Explorer Sample | Demonstrates how to call the ShellExecute function from the Windows Explorer process. |
Explorer Browser Custom Contents Sample | Demonstrates how to implement a custom Explorer Browser contol for your application. |
Explorer Browser Search Sample | Demonstrates how to use the Windows Explorer Browser control to embed Windows Explorer in an application and how to implement search functionality with an in-memory search folder. |
Explorer Command Verb Sample | Demonstrates how to implement a Shell verb using the ExplorerCommand and ExplorerCommandState methods. |
Explorer Data Provider Sample | Demonstrates how to implement a Shell namespace extension, including context menu behavior and custom tasks in the browser. |
File Is In Use Sample | Demonstrates how to customize the File In Use dialog to display additional information and options for files that are currently opened in the application. |
File Operation Progress Sink | Demonstrates how to use the IFileOperationProgressSink interface methods for monitoring the details of IFileOperation interface actions. |
File Operations Sample | Demonstrates how to copy, move, delete, and rename file system objects. |
HomeGroup Sample | Demonstrates how to determine HomeGroup membership status, enumerate top-level items in the HomeGroup Shell folder, and launch the HomeGroup Sharing Wizard. |
Known Folders Sample | Demonstrates how to define, register, enumerate and find the path for all known folders on the current system. |
NameSpace Tree Control Sample | Demonstrates how to implement a custom namespace tree control for an application. |
NonDefaultDropMenuVerb Sample | Demonstrates how to extend the drag-and-drop shortcut menu (sometimes referred to as a context menu). |
NotificationIcon Sample | Demonstrates how to use the Shell_NotifyIcon and Shell_NotifyIconGetRect APIs to display a notification icon. |
Parsing With Parameters Sample | Demonstrates how to take advantage of Shell helpers that use the parsing name to interact with items through the Shell programming model. |
Player Verb Sample | Demonstrates how to create a verb that operates on Shell items and containers which plays items or adds items to a queue. |
Playlist Creator Sample | Demonstrates how to create a verb that operates on a selected Shell item or container to create a playlist. |
Recipe Preview Handler Sample | Demonstrates how to write a handler used to display a file preview inside the Windows Explorer preview pane or other preview handler hosts. |
Recipe Thumbnail Provider Sample | Demonstrates how to create a thumbnail handler by file type and extends Windows Explorer. |
Search Folder Sample | Demonstrates how to create a search with query constraints using the Shell programming model. |
Shell Library Backup Sample | Demonstrates how to enumerate libraries as containers. |
Shell Library Command Line Sample | Demonstrates how to use the IShellLibrary interface to create a command-line application that provides programmatic access for inspecting and manipulating libraries and library files. |
Shell Storage Sample | Demonstrates how to create files and folders in Shell containers. Also shows how to save to the Shell item that is returned from the file dialog. |
Sync and Share Verbs | Demonstrates how to register a verb that extends the "Sync" and "Share" verbs in the Windows Explorer Command Bar. |
TabThumbnails Sample | Demonstrates how an application can expose multiple switch targets (as for tabs) on a taskband and how to provide their thumbnails. |
Taskbar Peripheral Status Sample | Demonstrates taskbar icon overlays and progress bars. |
Taskbar Thumbnail Toolbar Sample | Demonstrates a thumbnail toolbar, an active toolbar control embedded in a window's thumbnail preview, used to provide access to a window's key commands without making the user restore or activate the application's window. |
Using Image Factory Sample | Demonstrates how to use the IShellItemImageFactory interface to get the best possible image for an item. |
Using Thumbnail Providers Sample | Demonstrates how to use the IThumbnailProvider interface to extract the thumbnail for an item from the Windows thumbnail cache system. |