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Adding a Private Key Certificate from Key Vault in App Service

Phillip LEE 25 평판 포인트

Hello, I have a question.

I'm doing test right now, how to use App Service with Key Vault.

This is how I did.

  1. Create App Service

Adding a Custom Domain

Activate ID

Create Key Vault(Created by RBAC Rule)

Granting All Permissions to App Service in Key Vault IAM

Push Certificate test.pem

Add Binding (Fetching from Key Vault)

Error Occur

(The service does not have access to '/subscriptions/****/resourcegroups/testkeyvalt/providers/microsoft.keyvault/vaults/appservicekeyvaulttest' Key Vault. Please make sure that you have granted necessary permissions to the service to perform the request operation.)

In Microsoft Learns, Confirm that App Service should use Access Policy instead of RBAC Rule(Maybe wrong)

Delete default Key Vault and Create new Key Vault(Created by Access Policy Rule)

Granting All Permissions to App Service in Key Vault Access Policy

Push Certificate test.pem

Add Binding (Fetching from Key Vault)

Error Occur

(The parameter keyVaultSecret has an invalid value.)


"error": {

"code": "Unauthorized",

"message": "AKV10000: Request is missing a Bearer or PoP token."




In Stack Overflow, I can find similar like my issue, but I cannot be sure this solution fit on my problem.

Also, I gave full permission but still didn't work.

Anyone know about this issue?

Thank youHello, I have a question.

I'm doing test right now, how to use App Service with Key Vault.

This is how I did.

Create App Service

Adding a Custom Domain

Activate ID

Create Key Vault(Created by RBAC Rule)

Granting All Permissions to App Service in Key Vault IAM

Push Certificate test.pem

Add Binding (Fetching from Key Vault)

Error Occur

(The service does not have access to '/subscriptions/****/resourcegroups/testkeyvalt/providers/microsoft.keyvault/vaults/appservicekeyvaulttest' Key Vault. Please make sure that you have granted necessary permissions to the service to perform the request operation.)

In Microsoft Learns, Confirm that App Service should use Access Policy instead of RBAC Rule

Delete default Key Vault and Create new Key Vault(Created by Access Policy Rule)

Granting All Permissions to App Service in Key Vault Access Policy

Push Certificate test.pem

Add Binding (Fetching from Key Vault)

Error Occur

(The parameter keyVaultSecret has an invalid value.)


"error": {

"code": "Unauthorized",

"message": "AKV10000: Request is missing a Bearer or PoP token."




In Stack Overflow, I can find similar like my issue, but I cannot be sure this solution fit on my problem.

Also, I gave full permission but still didn't work.

Anyone know about this issue?

Thank you

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질문 347개
댓글 0개 설명 없음
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답변 2개

정렬 기준: 가장 유용함
  1. Phillip LEE 25 평판 포인트

    Only PFX certificates can be applied, but a PEM certificate was used, causing the issue. The issue has been resolved.

    1명이 이 답변이 도움이 된다고 생각했습니다.

  2. Gustavo Santos 0 평판 포인트

    Thanks mate, you saved me. What an unclear error!

    댓글 0개 설명 없음


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