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RibbonCheckBox.Position Property


Gets or sets the position of the check box, if the checkbox is on the Microsoft Office Menu.

 property Microsoft::Office::Tools::Ribbon::RibbonPosition ^ Position { Microsoft::Office::Tools::Ribbon::RibbonPosition ^ get(); void set(Microsoft::Office::Tools::Ribbon::RibbonPosition ^ value); };
public Microsoft.Office.Tools.Ribbon.RibbonPosition Position { get; set; }
member this.Position : Microsoft.Office.Tools.Ribbon.RibbonPosition with get, set
Public Property Position As RibbonPosition

Property Value

A RibbonPosition that represents the position of the RibbonCheckBox, if the control is on the Microsoft Office Menu.


This property can be set at run time only under certain conditions. For more information, see Ribbon Object Model Overview.

The Position property has no effect when the check box is placed on a Ribbon tab.

Applies to