3월 17일 오후 9시 - 3월 21일 오전 10시
모임 시리즈에 참여하여 동료 개발자 및 전문가와 함께 실제 사용 사례를 기반으로 확장 가능한 AI 솔루션을 빌드합니다.
지금 등록Welcome to Microsoft Graph REST API reference for the v1.0
API sets on the v1.0
endpoint (https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0
) have reached general availability (GA), and have gone through a rigorous review-and-feedback process with customers to meet practical, production needs. Updates to APIs on this endpoint are additive in nature and don't break existing app scenarios.
The power of Microsoft Graph lies in easy navigation of entities and relationships across different services exposed on a single Microsoft Graph REST endpoint.
Some of these services are designed to enable rich scenarios around a user and around a group.
Microsoft Graph API requests to the v1.0 endpoint use the following pattern:
For more information about Microsoft Graph REST API calls, see Use the Microsoft Graph API.
Currently, two versions of Microsoft Graph REST APIs are available: v1.0 and beta.
If you're interested in new or enhanced APIs that are still in preview status, see Microsoft Graph beta endpoint reference.
APIs in preview status are subject to change, and might break existing scenarios without notice. Don't take a production dependency on APIs in the beta
For more information, see Versioning and support.
Find out what's new in the v1.0 endpoint.
For details about changes to Microsoft Graph APIs in v1.0, explore the API changelog.
3월 17일 오후 9시 - 3월 21일 오전 10시
모임 시리즈에 참여하여 동료 개발자 및 전문가와 함께 실제 사용 사례를 기반으로 확장 가능한 AI 솔루션을 빌드합니다.
지금 등록학습
Microsoft 365 Certified: Endpoint Administrator Associate - Certifications
최신 관리, 공동 관리 접근 방식 및 Microsoft Intune 통합의 필수 요소를 사용하여 엔드포인트 배포 전략을 계획하고 실행합니다.
Use the Microsoft Graph API - Microsoft Graph
Learn how to register your app and get authentication tokens for a user or service before you make requests to the Microsoft Graph API.
Use Graph Explorer to try Microsoft Graph APIs - Microsoft Graph
Try Microsoft Graph APIs on the default sample tenant to explore capabilities, or sign in to your tenant and use it as a prototyping tool to fulfill your app scenarios.
Access data and methods by navigating Microsoft Graph - Microsoft Graph
In addition to using the Microsoft Graph API to read and write data, you can use a number of request patterns to traverse through the resources in Microsoft Graph. The metadata document also helps you to understand the data model of the resources and relationships in Microsoft Graph.