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What's New in DevTools (Microsoft Edge 118)

These are the latest features in the Stable release of Microsoft Edge DevTools.

Updates to the "Explain Console errors using Copilot in Sidebar" experiment

A recent experimental feature explains errors or warnings that are listed in the DevTools Console by using Microsoft Copilot in the Microsoft Edge Sidebar. In Microsoft Edge 118, this feature has the following updates.

Updated icon and tooltip on each error

In Console error entries, the Copilot chat icon has been updated, and the tooltip text has been updated to ask Copilot: "Explain this error":

Copilot icon and tooltip text in DevTools

The first time you use the "explain Console errors using Copilot" feature, a consent dialog now appears, titled Allow Microsoft to access page content, containing a Confirm and continue chatting button:

Explain console errors/warnings with Copilot consent form

Chat includes error message and stack info

The chat prompt now includes the error message and stack information.

Enabling the experimental feature

To enable the "explain Console errors using Copilot" feature, do either of the following:

  • In Microsoft Edge, go to edge://flags/, find the Explain DevTools with AI section, select Enabled in the drop-down menu, and then click the Restart button.

  • Start Microsoft Edge from the command line using the feature flag msEdgeAIExplainConsoleError.

See also:

Announcements from the Chromium project

Microsoft Edge 118 also includes the following updates from the Chromium project:

See also