다음을 통해 공유

ParameterInfo 클래스

매개 변수의 특성을 검색하고 매개 변수 메타데이터에 대한 액세스를 제공합니다.

네임스페이스: System.Reflection
어셈블리: mscorlib(mscorlib.dll)


<SerializableAttribute> _
<ClassInterfaceAttribute(ClassInterfaceType.None)> _
<ComVisibleAttribute(True)> _
Public Class ParameterInfo
    Implements _ParameterInfo, ICustomAttributeProvider
‘사용 방법
Dim instance As ParameterInfo
public class ParameterInfo : _ParameterInfo, ICustomAttributeProvider
public ref class ParameterInfo : _ParameterInfo, ICustomAttributeProvider
/** @attribute SerializableAttribute() */ 
/** @attribute ClassInterfaceAttribute(ClassInterfaceType.None) */ 
/** @attribute ComVisibleAttribute(true) */ 
public class ParameterInfo implements _ParameterInfo, ICustomAttributeProvider
public class ParameterInfo implements _ParameterInfo, ICustomAttributeProvider


ParameterInfo의 인스턴스를 사용하여 매개 변수의 데이터 형식, 기본값 등의 정보를 가져옵니다.

GetParameters는 메서드의 매개 변수를 순서대로 나타내는 ParameterInfo 개체의 배열을 반환합니다.


이 예제에서는 다양한 리플렉션 클래스를 사용하여 어셈블리에 포함된 메타데이터를 분석하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.

Imports System
Imports System.Reflection

Module Module1

    Sub Main()
        ' This variable holds the amount of indenting that 
        ' should be used when displaying each line of information.
        Dim indent As Int32 = 0
        ' Display information about the EXE assembly.
        Dim a As [Assembly] = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
        Display(indent, "Assembly identity={0}", a.FullName)
        Display(indent + 1, "Codebase={0}", a.CodeBase)

        ' Display the set of assemblies our assemblies references.
        Dim an As AssemblyName
        Display(indent, "Referenced assemblies:")
        For Each an In a.GetReferencedAssemblies()
            Display(indent + 1, "Name={0}, Version={1}, Culture={2}, PublicKey token={3}", _
                an.Name, an.Version, an.CultureInfo.Name, BitConverter.ToString(an.GetPublicKeyToken))
        Display(indent, "")

        ' Display information about each assembly loading into this AppDomain.
        For Each a In AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
            Display(indent, "Assembly: {0}", a)

            ' Display information about each module of this assembly.
            Dim m As [Module]
            For Each m In a.GetModules(True)
                Display(indent + 1, "Module: {0}", m.Name)

            ' Display information about each type exported from this assembly.
            Dim t As Type
            indent += 1
            For Each t In a.GetExportedTypes()
                Display(0, "")
                Display(indent, "Type: {0}", t)

                ' For each type, show its members & their custom attributes.
                Dim mi As MemberInfo
                indent += 1
                For Each mi In t.GetMembers()
                    Display(indent, "Member: {0}", mi.Name)
                    DisplayAttributes(indent, mi)

                    ' If the member is a method, display information about its parameters.
                    Dim pi As ParameterInfo
                    If mi.MemberType = MemberTypes.Method Then
                        For Each pi In CType(mi, MethodInfo).GetParameters()
                            Display(indent + 1, "Parameter: Type={0}, Name={1}", pi.ParameterType, pi.Name)
                    End If

                    ' If the member is a property, display information about the property's accessor methods.
                    If mi.MemberType = MemberTypes.Property Then
                        Dim am As MethodInfo
                        For Each am In CType(mi, PropertyInfo).GetAccessors()
                            Display(indent + 1, "Accessor method: {0}", am)
                    End If
                indent -= 1
            indent -= 1
    End Sub

    ' Displays the custom attributes applied to the specified member.
    Sub DisplayAttributes(ByVal indent As Int32, ByVal mi As MemberInfo)
        ' Get the set of custom attributes; if none exist, just return.
        Dim attrs() As Object = mi.GetCustomAttributes(False)
        If attrs.Length = 0 Then Return

        ' Display the custom attributes applied to this member.
        Display(indent + 1, "Attributes:")
        Dim o As Object
        For Each o In attrs
            Display(indent + 2, "{0}", o.ToString())
    End Sub

    ' Display a formatted string indented by the specified amount.
    Sub Display(ByVal indent As Int32, ByVal format As String, ByVal ParamArray params() As Object)
        Console.Write(New String(" "c, indent * 2))
        Console.WriteLine(format, params)
    End Sub
End Module

'The output shown below is abbreviated.
'Assembly identity=Reflection, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
'  Codebase=file:///C:/Reflection.exe
'Referenced assemblies:
'  Name=mscorlib, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=, PublicKey token=B7-7A-5C-56-19-34-E0-89
'  Name=Microsoft.VisualBasic, Version=7.0.5000.0, Culture=, PublicKey token=B0-3F-5F-7F-11-D5-0A-3A
'Assembly: mscorlib, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
'  Module: mscorlib.dll
'  Module: prc.nlp
'  Module: prcp.nlp
'  Module: ksc.nlp
'  Module: ctype.nlp
'  Module: xjis.nlp
'  Module: bopomofo.nlp
'  Module: culture.nlp
'  Module: region.nlp
'  Module: sortkey.nlp
'  Module: charinfo.nlp
'  Module: big5.nlp
'  Module: sorttbls.nlp
'  Module: l_intl.nlp
'  Module: l_except.nlp
'  Type: System.Object
'    Member: GetHashCode
'    Member: Equals
'      Parameter: Type=System.Object, Name=obj
'    Member: ToString
'    Member: Equals
'      Parameter: Type=System.Object, Name=objA
'      Parameter: Type=System.Object, Name=objB
'    Member: ReferenceEquals
'      Parameter: Type=System.Object, Name=objA
'      Parameter: Type=System.Object, Name=objB
'    Member: GetType
'    Member: .ctor
'  Type: System.ICloneable
'    Member: Clone
'  Type: System.Collections.IEnumerable
'    Member: GetEnumerator
'      Attributes:
'        System.Runtime.InteropServices.DispIdAttribute
'  Type: System.Collections.ICollection
'    Member: get_IsSynchronized
'    Member: get_SyncRoot
'    Member: get_Count
'    Member: CopyTo
'      Parameter: Type=System.Array, Name=array
'      Parameter: Type=System.Int32, Name=index
'    Member: Count
'      Accessor method: Int32 get_Count()
'    Member: SyncRoot
'      Accessor method: System.Object get_SyncRoot()
'    Member: IsSynchronized
'      Accessor method: Boolean get_IsSynchronized()

상속 계층 구조


스레드로부터의 안전성

이 형식은 다중 스레드 작업을 수행하는 데 안전합니다.


Windows 98, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows CE, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Mobile for Pocket PC, Windows Mobile for Smartphone, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Starter Edition

.NET Framework에서 모든 플래폼의 모든 버전을 지원하지는 않습니다. 지원되는 버전의 목록은 시스템 요구 사항을 참조하십시오.

버전 정보

.NET Framework

2.0, 1.1, 1.0에서 지원

.NET Compact Framework

2.0, 1.0에서 지원

참고 항목


ParameterInfo 멤버
System.Reflection 네임스페이스