다음을 통해 공유

IReportContext 멤버

Defines the properties of the report context.

IReportContext 형식은 다음 멤버를 노출합니다.


  이름 설명
공용 속성 IsLinkedReport Gets the value that specifies whether the report is a linked report.
공용 속성 IsSubreport Gets the value that specifies whether the report is a subreport.
공용 속성 LinkedReportTargetName Gets the value that specifies the name of the link target.
공용 속성 LinkedReportTargetPath Gets the value that specifies the path of the link target.
공용 속성 ParentReportName Gets the value that specifies the name of the parent report.
공용 속성 ParentReportPath Gets a value that specifies the path of the parent report.
공용 속성 QueryParameters Gets a value that specifies the query parameters of the report.
공용 속성 ReportName Gets a value that specifies the name of the report.
공용 속성 ReportPath Gets a value that specifies the path of the report.

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