다음을 통해 공유

보호되는 구성 공급자 구현 예제

업데이트: 2007년 11월

다음 코드 예제에서는 보호되는 구성 공급자를 구현하는 방법을 보여 줍니다. 이 공급자를 빌드하고 ASP.NET 응용 프로그램에서 사용하는 방법에 대한 자세한 내용은 방법: 보호되는 구성 공급자 예제 빌드 및 실행을 참조하십시오.



Imports System
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Configuration.Provider
Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports System.Configuration

Namespace Samples.AspNet.ProtectedConfiguration

  Public Class TripleDESProtectedConfigurationProvider
    Inherits ProtectedConfigurationProvider

    Private des As TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider = New TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider()

    Private pKeyFilePath As String
    Private pName As String

    Public ReadOnly Property KeyFilePath As String
        Return pKeyFilePath
      End Get
    End Property

    ' ProviderBase.Name

    Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Name As String    
        Return pName
      End Get
    End Property

    ' ProviderBase.Initialize

    Public Overrides Sub Initialize(name As String, config As NameValueCollection)
      pName = name
      pKeyFilePath = config("keyFilePath")
    End Sub

    ' ProtectedConfigurationProvider.Encrypt

    Public Overrides Function Encrypt(node As XmlNode ) As XmlNode 
      Dim encryptedData As String = EncryptString(node.OuterXml)

      Dim xmlDoc As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument()
      xmlDoc.PreserveWhitespace = True
      xmlDoc.LoadXml("<EncryptedData>" & encryptedData & "</EncryptedData>")

      Return xmlDoc.DocumentElement
    End Function

    ' ProtectedConfigurationProvider.Decrypt

    Public Overrides Function Decrypt(encryptedNode As XmlNode) As XmlNode
      Dim decryptedData As String = DecryptString(encryptedNode.InnerText)

      Dim xmlDoc As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument()
      xmlDoc.PreserveWhitespace = True

      Return xmlDoc.DocumentElement
    End Function

    ' EncryptString
    '    Encrypts a configuration section and returns the encrypted
    ' XML as a string.

    Private Function EncryptString(encryptValue As String) As String

      Dim valBytes() As Byte = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(encryptValue)

      Dim transform As ICryptoTransform = des.CreateEncryptor()

      Dim ms As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream()
      Dim cs As CryptoStream = New CryptoStream(ms, transform, CryptoStreamMode.Write)
      cs.Write(valBytes, 0, valBytes.Length)
      Dim returnBytes() As Byte = ms.ToArray()

      Return Convert.ToBase64String(returnBytes)
    End Function

    ' DecryptString
    '    Decrypts an encrypted configuration section and returns the
    ' unencrypted XML as a string.

    Private Function DecryptString(encryptedValue As String) As String
      Dim valBytes() As Byte = Convert.FromBase64String(encryptedValue)

      Dim transform As ICryptoTransform = des.CreateDecryptor()

      Dim ms As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream()
      Dim cs As CryptoStream = New CryptoStream(ms, transform, CryptoStreamMode.Write)
      cs.Write(valBytes, 0, valBytes.Length)
      Dim returnBytes() As Byte = ms.ToArray()

      Return Encoding.Unicode.GetString(returnBytes)
    End Function

    ' CreateKey
    '    Generates a New TripleDES key and vector and writes them
    ' to the supplied file path.

    Public Sub CreateKey(filePath As String)

      Dim sw As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(filePath, false)
    End Sub

    ' ReadKey
    '    Reads in the TripleDES key and vector from the supplied
    ' file path and sets the Key and IV properties of the 
    ' TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider.

    Private Sub ReadKey(filePath As String)
      Dim sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(filePath)
      Dim keyValue As String = sr.ReadLine()
      Dim ivValue As String = sr.ReadLine()

      des.Key = HexToByte(keyValue)
      des.IV = HexToByte(ivValue)
    End Sub

    ' ByteToHex
    '    Converts a byte array to a hexadecimal string.

    Private Function ByteToHex(byteArray As Byte()) As String
      Dim outString As String = ""

      For Each b As Byte In byteArray
        outString &= b.ToString("X2")

      Return outString
    End Function

    ' HexToByte
    '    Converts a hexadecimal string to a byte array.

    Private Function HexToByte(hexString As String) As Byte()
      Dim returnBytes() As Byte = New Byte(CInt((hexString.Length / 2) - 1)) {}

      For i As Integer= 0 To returnBytes.Length - 1
        returnBytes(i) = Convert.ToByte(hexString.Substring(i*2, 2), 16)

      Return returnBytes
    End Function

  End Class
End Namespace
using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Configuration.Provider;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Configuration;

namespace Samples.AspNet.ProtectedConfiguration

  public class TripleDESProtectedConfigurationProvider : ProtectedConfigurationProvider

    private TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider des = new TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider();

    private string pKeyFilePath;
    private string pName;

    public string KeyFilePath
      get { return pKeyFilePath; }

    // ProviderBase.Name

    public override string Name
      get { return pName; }

    // ProviderBase.Initialize

    public override void Initialize(string name, NameValueCollection config)
      pName = name;
      pKeyFilePath = config["keyFilePath"];

    // ProtectedConfigurationProvider.Encrypt

    public override XmlNode Encrypt(XmlNode node)
      string encryptedData = EncryptString(node.OuterXml);

      XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
      xmlDoc.PreserveWhitespace = true;
      xmlDoc.LoadXml("<EncryptedData>" + encryptedData + "</EncryptedData>");

      return xmlDoc.DocumentElement;

    // ProtectedConfigurationProvider.Decrypt

    public override XmlNode Decrypt(XmlNode encryptedNode)
      string decryptedData = DecryptString(encryptedNode.InnerText);

      XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
      xmlDoc.PreserveWhitespace = true;

      return xmlDoc.DocumentElement;

    // EncryptString
    //    Encrypts a configuration section and returns the encrypted
    // XML as a string.

    private string EncryptString(string encryptValue)
      byte[] valBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(encryptValue);

      ICryptoTransform transform = des.CreateEncryptor();

      MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
      CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, transform, CryptoStreamMode.Write);
      cs.Write(valBytes, 0, valBytes.Length);
      byte[] returnBytes = ms.ToArray();

      return Convert.ToBase64String(returnBytes);

    // DecryptString
    //    Decrypts an encrypted configuration section and returns the
    // unencrypted XML as a string.

    private string DecryptString(string encryptedValue)
      byte[] valBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(encryptedValue);

      ICryptoTransform transform = des.CreateDecryptor();

      MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
      CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, transform, CryptoStreamMode.Write);
      cs.Write(valBytes, 0, valBytes.Length);
      byte[] returnBytes = ms.ToArray();

      return Encoding.Unicode.GetString(returnBytes);

    // CreateKey
    //    Generates a new TripleDES key and vector and writes them
    // to the supplied file path.

    public void CreateKey(string filePath)

      StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(filePath, false);

    // ReadKey
    //    Reads in the TripleDES key and vector from the supplied
    // file path and sets the Key and IV properties of the 
    // TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider.

    private void ReadKey(string filePath)
      StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filePath);
      string keyValue = sr.ReadLine();
      string ivValue = sr.ReadLine();
      des.Key = HexToByte(keyValue);
      des.IV = HexToByte(ivValue);

    // ByteToHex
    //    Converts a byte array to a hexadecimal string.

    private string ByteToHex(byte[] byteArray)
      string outString = "";

      foreach (Byte b in byteArray)
        outString += b.ToString("X2");

      return outString;

    // HexToByte
    //    Converts a hexadecimal string to a byte array.

    private byte[] HexToByte(string hexString)
      byte[] returnBytes = new byte[hexString.Length / 2];
      for (int i = 0; i < returnBytes.Length; i++)
        returnBytes[i] = Convert.ToByte(hexString.Substring(i*2, 2), 16);
      return returnBytes;


참고 항목


방법: 보호되는 구성 공급자 예제 빌드 및 실행


보호되는 구성 공급자 구현

기타 리소스

보호되는 구성을 사용하여 구성 정보 암호화