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FsrmAccessDeniedRemediationClientClass.Show Method (UInt64, String, _AdrClientErrorType, Int32, String, String)


Displays the Access Denied Remediation (ADR) client dialog.

Namespace:   Microsoft.Storage
Assembly:  srmlib (in srmlib.dll)


public virtual int Show(
    ulong parentWnd,
    string accessPath,
    _AdrClientErrorType errorType,
    int flags,
    string windowTitle = "",
    string windowMessage = ""
virtual int Show(
    unsigned long long parentWnd,
    String^ accessPath,
    _AdrClientErrorType errorType,
    int flags,
    String^ windowTitle = "",
    String^ windowMessage = ""
abstract Show : 
        parentWnd:uint64 *
        accessPath:string *
        errorType:_AdrClientErrorType *
        flags:int *
        windowTitle:string = "" *
        windowMessage:string = "" -> int
override Show : 
        parentWnd:uint64 *
        accessPath:string *
        errorType:_AdrClientErrorType *
        flags:int *
        windowTitle:string = "" *
        windowMessage:string = "" -> int
Public Overridable Function Show (
    parentWnd As ULong,
    accessPath As String,
    errorType As _AdrClientErrorType,
    flags As Integer,
    windowTitle As String,
    windowMessage As String
) As Integer


  • parentWnd
    Type: System.UInt64

    Handle to the window that will be the parent of the dialog that will be displayed.

  • accessPath
    Type: System.String

    Path of the file being accessed.

  • windowTitle
    Type: System.String

    Optional text to display as the title of the dialog window that is opened.

  • windowMessage
    Type: System.String

    Optional text to display above the instructions in the dialog window that is opened.

Return Value

Type: System.Int32

Returns a Int32 containing the address of a value that will receive a HRESULT containing the result of the operation.


IFsrmAccessDeniedRemediationClient.Show(UInt64, String, _AdrClientErrorType, Int32, String, String)

See Also

FsrmAccessDeniedRemediationClientClass Class
Microsoft.Storage Namespace

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