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OLE 컨트롤에 대한 대화 상자 데이터 교환 함수

This topic lists the DDX_OC functions used to exchange data between a property of an OLE control in a dialog box, form view, or control view object and a data member of the dialog box, form view, or control view object.

DDX_OC Functions


Manages the transfer of BOOL data between a property of an OLE control and a BOOL data member.


Manages the transfer of BOOL data between a read-only property of an OLE control and a BOOL data member.


Manages the transfer of OLE_COLOR data between a property of an OLE control and an OLE_COLOR data member.


Manages the transfer of OLE_COLOR data between a read-only property of an OLE control and an OLE_COLOR data member.


Manages the transfer of float (or double) data between a property of an OLE control and a float (or double) data member.


Manages the transfer of float (or double) data between a read-only property of an OLE control and a float (or double) data member.


Manages the transfer of int (or long) data between a property of an OLE control and an int (or long) data member.


Manages the transfer of int (or long) data between a read-only property of an OLE control and an int (or long) data member.


Manages the transfer of short data between a property of an OLE control and a short data member.


Manages the transfer of short data between a read-only property of an OLE control and a short data member.


Manages the transfer of CString data between a property of an OLE control and a CString data member.


Manages the transfer of CString data between a read-only property of an OLE control and a CString data member.

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