Xamarin.iOS - SamplePhotoApp

A basic Photos-like app to demonstrate the Photos framework.

  • Lists albums and built-in collections (Recently Added, Favorites, etc)
  • Displays assets (all photos or those from a collection) in a thumbnail grid
  • Displays a single photo, video, or Live Photo asset
  • Allows the following actions:
    • simple edit with canned filters (for still photos, Live Photos^, and videos)
    • creating an album and adding assets to it
    • removing assets from an album
    • deleting assets and albums
    • favoriting an asset

Known Issues

^ An error occurs when filters are applied to Live Photos. This will be fixed in a future release.

Build Requirements

Xcode 9.0 (iOS 11.0 / tvOS 11.0 SDK) or later

Runtime Requirements

iOS 11.0, tvOS 11.0, or later

Original sample


Xamarin port changes are released under the MIT license