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How can I get more reviews on my profile?

Anyone you know can write a review on your profile!

Reviews are typically written by current or former students who can speak about their experience when working with you, but if you are new to teaching and do not have a network of students to ask, you may want to reach out to non-students as well. Reviews can be posted by anyone, including colleagues or friends who can vouch for your character and teaching expertise.  

When a private student or former colleague their feedback, they will be sent a follow up email with a link to verify their email address. Once they have clicked the link in this email, their review will be posted to your public profile within 24 hours. (Unless a review is flagged for profanity or blocked content)

How to solicit reviews:

We've built tools into your teaching account so you can easily request to have someone write you a review. This review solicitation email will be sent out from the email address that is tied to your TakeLessons teacher account.

Anyone you know can write a review on your TakeLessons profile! Since new students are most interested in teachers with lots of reviews, you'll want to rack up as many reviews as possible

  1. Log in to your TakeLessons Teacher account
  2. Go to the Profile tab in your account
  3. Scroll to the Reviews section at the bottom of the page
  4. Click Request a Review


  1. Choose to either email contacts from your address book, or manually enter in email addresses. (Note: Your contacts will remain private to you, and will not be stored in our system.)


  1. You have the ability to customize the subject line as well as the email message itself.


  1. And the best part is we will automatically add a link at the bottom of your email that lets users write a review for your profile!

Pro Tip: Keep in mind that only 25% of the people that you contact are likely to leave a review. We suggest getting at least 4 reviews on your profile so that means you should send the request to at least 16 students!

Customizing the solicitation email:

Feel free to write your own solicitation email or use this template when contacting your former and current students.




I am looking to grow my student roster, and would love your help. Would you be able to write a review on my TakeLessons profile about your experience with me as a teacher? 

With your positive endorsement, you will be helping future students make the decision to book with me. This should only take 2 minutes, and will significantly impact my success.

Thanks in advance for your support! If I can ever return the favor don’t hesitate to ask.

All the Best, 


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Get reviews from former students

Why are reviews so important?