ComPtr Class
Creates a smart pointer type that represents the interface specified by the template parameter. ComPtr
automatically maintains a reference count for the underlying interface pointer and releases the interface when the reference count goes to zero.
template <typename T>
class ComPtr;
template<class U>
friend class ComPtr;
The interface that the ComPtr
A class to which the current ComPtr
is a friend. (The template that uses this parameter is protected.)
declares a type that represents the underlying interface pointer. Use ComPtr<>
to declare a variable and then use the arrow member-access operator (->
) to access an interface member function.
For more information about smart pointers, see the "COM Smart Pointers" subsection of the COM Coding Practices article.
Name | Description |
InterfaceType |
A synonym for the type specified by the T template parameter. |
Name | Description |
ComPtr::ComPtr |
Initializes a new instance of the ComPtr class. Overloads provide default, copy, move, and conversion constructors. |
ComPtr::~ComPtr |
Deinitializes an instance of ComPtr . |
Name | Description |
ComPtr::As |
Returns a ComPtr object that represents the interface identified by the specified template parameter. |
ComPtr::AsIID |
Returns a ComPtr object that represents the interface identified by the specified interface ID. |
ComPtr::AsWeak |
Retrieves a weak reference to the current object. |
ComPtr::Attach |
Associates this ComPtr with the interface type specified by the current template type parameter. |
ComPtr::CopyTo |
Copies the current or specified interface associated with this ComPtr to the specified output pointer. |
ComPtr::Detach |
Disassociates this ComPtr from the interface that it represents. |
ComPtr::Get |
Retrieves a pointer to the interface that is associated with this ComPtr . |
ComPtr::GetAddressOf |
Retrieves the address of the ptr_ data member, which contains a pointer to the interface represented by this ComPtr . |
ComPtr::ReleaseAndGetAddressOf |
Releases the interface associated with this ComPtr and then retrieves the address of the ptr_ data member, which contains a pointer to the interface that was released. |
ComPtr::Reset |
Releases the interface associated with this ComPtr and returns the new reference count. |
ComPtr::Swap |
Exchanges the interface managed by the current ComPtr with the interface managed by the specified ComPtr . |
Name | Description |
ComPtr::InternalAddRef |
Increments the reference count of the interface associated with this ComPtr . |
ComPtr::InternalRelease |
Performs a COM Release operation on the interface associated with this ComPtr . |
Name | Description |
ComPtr::operator& |
Retrieves the address of the current ComPtr . |
ComPtr::operator-> |
Retrieves a pointer to the type specified by the current template parameter. |
ComPtr::operator= |
Assigns a value to the current ComPtr . |
ComPtr::operator== |
Indicates whether two ComPtr objects are equal. |
ComPtr::operator!= |
Indicates whether two ComPtr objects aren't equal. |
ComPtr::operator Microsoft::WRL::Details::BoolType |
Indicates whether a ComPtr is managing the object lifetime of an interface. |
Name | Description |
ComPtr::ptr_ |
Contains a pointer to the interface that is associated with, and managed by this ComPtr . |
Header: client.h
Namespace: Microsoft::WRL
Deinitializes an instance of ComPtr
Returns a ComPtr
object that represents the interface identified by the specified template parameter.
template<typename U>
_Out_ ComPtr<U>* p
) const;
template<typename U>
_Out_ Details::ComPtrRef<ComPtr<U>> p
) const;
The interface to be represented by parameter p
A ComPtr
object that represents the interface specified by parameter U
. Parameter p
must not refer to the current ComPtr
The first template is the form that you should use in your code. The second template is an internal, helper specialization. It supports C++ language features such as the auto
type deduction keyword.
if successful; otherwise, an HRESULT
that indicates the error.
Returns a ComPtr
object that represents the interface identified by the specified interface ID.
REFIID riid,
_Out_ ComPtr<IUnknown>* p
) const;
An interface ID.
If the object has an interface whose ID equals riid
, a doubly indirect pointer to the interface specified by the riid
parameter. Otherwise, a pointer to IUnknown
if successful; otherwise, an HRESULT
that indicates the error.
Retrieves a weak reference to the current object.
_Out_ WeakRef* pWeakRef
When this operation completes, a pointer to a weak reference object.
S_OK if successful; otherwise, an HRESULT that indicates the error.
Associates this ComPtr
with the interface type specified by the current template type parameter.
void Attach(
_In_opt_ InterfaceType* other
An interface type.
Initializes a new instance of the ComPtr
class. Overloads provide default, copy, move, and conversion constructors.
template<class U>
_In_opt_ U *other
const ComPtr& other
template<class U>
const ComPtr<U> &other,
typename ENABLE_IF<__is_convertible_to(U*, T*), void *>
_Inout_ ComPtr &&other
template<class U>
_Inout_ ComPtr<U>&& other, typename ENABLE_IF<__is_convertible_to(U*, T*), void *>
The type of the other
An object of type U
The first constructor is the default constructor, which implicitly creates an empty object. The second constructor specifies __nullptr
, which explicitly creates an empty object.
The third constructor creates an object from the object specified by a pointer. The ComPtr
now owns the pointed-to memory and maintains a reference count to it.
The fourth and fifth constructors are copy constructors. The fifth constructor copies an object if it's convertible to the current type.
The sixth and seventh constructors are move constructors. The seventh constructor moves an object if it's convertible to the current type.
Copies the current or specified interface associated with this ComPtr
to the specified pointer.
_Deref_out_ InterfaceType** ptr
REFIID riid,
_Deref_out_ void** ptr
) const;
template<typename U>
_Deref_out_ U** ptr
) const;
A type name.
When this operation completes, a pointer to the requested interface.
An interface ID.
if successful; otherwise, an HRESULT
that indicates why the implicit QueryInterface
operation failed.
The first function returns a copy of a pointer to the interface associated with this ComPtr
. This function always returns S_OK
The second function performs a QueryInterface
operation on the interface associated with this ComPtr
for the interface specified by the riid
The third function performs a QueryInterface
operation on the interface associated with this ComPtr
for the underlying interface of the U
Disassociates this ComPtr
object from the interface that it represents.
T* Detach();
A pointer to the interface that was represented by this ComPtr
Retrieves a pointer to the interface that is associated with this ComPtr
T* Get() const;
Pointer to the interface that is associated with this ComPtr
Retrieves the address of the ptr_
data member, which contains a pointer to the interface represented by this ComPtr
T* const* GetAddressOf() const;
T** GetAddressOf();
The address of a variable.
Increments the reference count of the interface associated with this ComPtr
void InternalAddRef() const;
This method is protected.
Performs a COM Release operation on the interface associated with this ComPtr
unsigned long InternalRelease();
This method is protected.
Releases the interface associated with this ComPtr
object and then retrieves the address of the ComPtr
Details::ComPtrRef<WeakRef> operator&()
const Details::ComPtrRef<const WeakRef> operator&() const
A weak reference to the current ComPtr
This method differs from ComPtr::GetAddressOf
in that this method releases a reference to the interface pointer. Use ComPtr::GetAddressOf
when you require the address of the interface pointer but don't want to release that interface.
Retrieves a pointer to the type specified by the current template parameter.
WRL_NOTHROW Microsoft::WRL::Details::RemoveIUnknown<InterfaceType>* operator->() const;
Pointer to the type specified by the current template type name.
This helper function removes unnecessary overhead caused by using the STDMETHOD macro. This function makes IUnknown
types private
instead of virtual
Assigns a value to the current ComPtr
WRL_NOTHROW ComPtr& operator=(
WRL_NOTHROW ComPtr& operator=(
_In_opt_ T *other
template <typename U>
WRL_NOTHROW ComPtr& operator=(
_In_opt_ U *other
WRL_NOTHROW ComPtr& operator=(
const ComPtr &other
template<class U>
WRL_NOTHROW ComPtr& operator=(
const ComPtr<U>& other
WRL_NOTHROW ComPtr& operator=(
_Inout_ ComPtr &&other
template<class U>
WRL_NOTHROW ComPtr& operator=(
_Inout_ ComPtr<U>&& other
A class.
A pointer, reference, or rvalue reference to a type or another ComPtr
A reference to the current ComPtr
The first version of this operator assigns an empty value to the current ComPtr
In the second version, if the assigning interface pointer isn't the same as the current ComPtr
interface pointer, the second interface pointer is assigned to the current ComPtr
In the third version, the assigning interface pointer is assigned to the current ComPtr
In the fourth version, if the interface pointer of the assigning value isn't the same as the current ComPtr
interface pointer, the second interface pointer is assigned to the current ComPtr
The fifth version is a copy operator; a reference to a ComPtr
is assigned to the current ComPtr
The sixth version is a copy operator that uses move semantics; an rvalue reference to a ComPtr
if any type is static cast and then assigned to the current ComPtr
The seventh version is a copy operator that uses move semantics; an rvalue reference to a ComPtr
of type U
is static cast then and assigned to the current ComPtr
Indicates whether two ComPtr
objects are equal.
bool operator==(
const ComPtr<T>& a,
const ComPtr<U>& b
bool operator==(
const ComPtr<T>& a,
bool operator==(
const ComPtr<T>& a
A reference to a ComPtr
A reference to another ComPtr
The first operator yields true
if object a
is equal to object b
; otherwise, false
The second and third operators yield true
if object a
is equal to nullptr
; otherwise, false
Indicates whether two ComPtr
objects aren't equal.
bool operator!=(
const ComPtr<T>& a,
const ComPtr<U>& b
bool operator!=(
const ComPtr<T>& a,
bool operator!=(
const ComPtr<T>& a
A reference to a ComPtr
A reference to another ComPtr
The first operator yields true
if object a
isn't equal to object b
; otherwise, false
The second and third operators yield true
if object a
isn't equal to nullptr
; otherwise, false
Indicates whether a ComPtr
is managing the object lifetime of an interface.
WRL_NOTHROW operator Microsoft::WRL::Details::BoolType() const;
If an interface is associated with this ComPtr
, the address of the BoolStruct::Member
data member; otherwise, nullptr
Contains a pointer to the interface that is associated with, and managed by this ComPtr
InterfaceType *ptr_;
is an internal, protected data member.
Releases the interface associated with this ComPtr
and then retrieves the address of the ptr_
data member, which contains a pointer to the interface that was released.
T** ReleaseAndGetAddressOf();
The address of the ptr_
data member of this ComPtr
Releases the interface associated with this ComPtr
and returns the new reference count.
unsigned long Reset();
The number of references remaining to the underlying interface, if any.
Exchanges the interface managed by the current ComPtr
with the interface managed by the specified ComPtr
void Swap(
_Inout_ ComPtr&& r
void Swap(
_Inout_ ComPtr& r
A ComPtr