Mar 17, 9 PM - Mar 21, 10 AM
Maacht mat bei der Meetup-Serie, fir skaléierbar KI-Léisungen op Basis vu realistesche Benotzungsfäll mat aneren Entwéckler an Experten ze bauen.
Elo umellenDëse Browser gëtt net méi ënnerstëtzt.
Upgrat op Microsoft Edge fir vun de Virdeeler vun leschten Eegeschaften, Sécherheetsupdaten, an techneschem Support ze profitéieren.
The Span2D<T>
is a type that mirrors the functionality of the Span<T>
type, but it supports 2D memory regions. Just like Memory2D<T>
, it is extremely flexible and can wrap a number of different objects, as well as native pointers or GC references.
The internal layout is similar to that used by the Memory2D<T>
type, including a pitch parameter that is used to enable support for discontiguous memory buffers. You can read more info on this in the Memory2D<T>
Platform APIs:
Here's how you can create a Span2D<T>
instance from a 2D array:
int[,] array =
{ 1, 2, 3 },
{ 4, 5, 6 }
Span2D<int> span = array;
// The memory directly maps the 2*3 array here
span[0, 0] = 10;
span[2, 1] = 20;
// The array is now:
// { 10, 2, 3 },
// { 4, 20, 6 }
// We can also use indices, on supported runtimes
int x = span[0, ^1];
// We can also get references to items, like with arrays
ref int reference = ref span[1, 1];
Span2D<int> slice = span.Slice(0, 1, 2, 2);
// Or alternatively, on supported runtimes
slice = span[.., 1..];
int[,] copy = slice.ToArray();
// The resulting array is:
// { 2, 3 },
// { 20, 6 }
We can also directly create a 2D view over native memory:
int* p = stackalloc int[9];
Span2D<int> span = new Span2D<int>(p, 3, 3);
The Span2D<T>
type also includes custom enumerator types to easily traverse a given row, column or the entire memory area using the standard foreach
syntax in C#, as well as performing bulk operations in a single call:
int[,] array =
{ 1, 2, 3 },
{ 4, 5, 6 },
{ 7, 8, 9 }
Span2D<int> span = array;
foreach (int i in span.GetColumn(1))
// 2, 5, 8
// We can also iterate by reference
foreach (ref int i in span.GetRow(2))
// 7, 8, 9
foreach (int i in span)
// 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
// Set all items in a column to 0
// Set the value of all items in a row
Span<int> copy = stackalloc int[3];
// Copy all items from a column
// Get a copy of a row as an array
int[] array = span.GetRow(1).ToArray();
The ReadOnlySpan2D<T>
is to the Span2D<T>
type what ReadOnlySpan<T>
is to Span<T>
. It exposes a similar set of APIs but provides no way to directly modify the contents of the underlying memory area.
You can find more examples in the unit tests.
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Mar 17, 9 PM - Mar 21, 10 AM
Maacht mat bei der Meetup-Serie, fir skaléierbar KI-Léisungen op Basis vu realistesche Benotzungsfäll mat aneren Entwéckler an Experten ze bauen.
Elo umellenTraining
Perform operations on arrays using helper methods in C# - Training
Use C# helper methods to perform reverse, resize, split and join operations on arrays.