How to use the Workgroup Administrator utility in Access
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Access 2007
This article applies to Microsoft Access .mdb files and .accdb files.
This article describes how to use the Workgroup Administrator utility in Microsoft Access.
Note User-level security does not exist in an .accdb file, even though you can run the Workgroup Administrator utility from an .accdb file in Access.
More information
To use the Workgroup Administrator in earlier versions of Access, you could click Workgroup Administrator in Security on the Tools menu. To use the Workgroup Administrator utility in Access, use one of the following methods.
Method 1: Use Visual Basic code
To use Visual Basic code, use one of the following methods.
Run the Visual Basic code in the Immediate window:
In Access 2007 or a later version, open a trusted database, or enable macros in the existing database.
Press CTRL + G to open the Immediate window.
Type the following line of code, and then press ENTER.DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdWorkgroupAdministrator
Create a module that contains the Visual Basic code:
In Access 2007 and later, open a trusted database, or enable macros in the existing database.
On the Create tab, in the Other group, click Macro, and then click Module.
Create a subroutine, and then paste the following Visual Basic code example into the subroutine.
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdWorkgroupAdministrator
Press F5 to run the code.
Method 2: Use the RunCommand macro action
In Access 2007 or a later version, open a trusted database, or enable macros in the existing database.
On the Create tab, in the Other group, click Macro, and then click Macro.
On the Design tab, click Show All Actions in the Show/Hide group.
On the Macro1 tab, click RunCommand in the Action column, and then click WorkgroupAdminstrator in the Command list.