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Backgrounds and Borders

Windows Internet Explorer 9 introduced support for several new features of the CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3, including border-radius and box-shadow properties.Internet Explorer 9 also introduced support for the following new CSS3 properties:

Internet Explorer 9 also added functionality to the following existing CSS background and border properties:

API Reference

Backgrounds and Borders (Internet Explorer)

border-radius property

box-shadow property

Samples and tutorials

How to Add Rounded Corners with CSS3

How to Add Drop Shadows with CSS3

How to Create Stylish Buttons with CSS3

Internet Explorer Test Drive demos

A New Day

Border Radius

Hands On: border-radius

Hands On: box-shadow

IE Logo

IEBlog posts

The CSS Corner: About CSS corners


W3C CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3

Mastering CSS3: Box Shadows

Mastering CSS3. Multiple backgrounds

Replace Those Images with CSS: Rounded Corners