Applies To: Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server Technical Preview, Windows Vista
The PROPID_M_CONNECTOR_TYPE property specifies a connector application identifier. This property is set when some message properties that are typically set by Message Queuing were set by the sending application.
Typically, this property is set by connector applications and applications sending application-encrypted message.
Property ID
Type Indicator
Pointer to a connector application identifier.
PROPID_M_CONNECTOR_TYPE is required whenever an application sets a message property that is typically set by Message Queuing. It is typically used in the following two cases.
Whenever a connector application sends a message to a Message Queuing queue, the connector type property is required so that the receiving applications know how to interpret the security and acknowledgment properties of the messages.
Whenever an application sends an application-encrypted message, the connector type property is required so that the Message Queuing runtime knows to use the symmetric key provided in MSMQMessage.DestinationSymmetricKey to decrypt the message.
The sending application must set PROPID_M_CONNECTOR_TYPE when it sets any of the following properties. If PROPID_M_CONNECTOR_TYPE is not set, these properties will be ignored:
To specify a connector type, include PROPID_M_CONNECTOR_TYPE in the MQMSGPROPS structure and then call MQSendMessage.
To retrieve the connector type specified by the sending application, include PROPID_M_CONNECTOR_TYPE in the MQMSGPROPS structure, then call MQReceiveMessage or MQReceiveMessageByLookupId and examine the returned values.
Message Queuing does not support this property in SRMP messages.
Equivalent COM Property
With COM components, the equivalent property for specifying and retrieving a connector application identifier is MSMQMessage.ConnectorTypeGuid.
For information on | See |
Connector applications | Connector Services |
Sending a symmetric key when encrypting messages | Application-Encrypted Messages |
The following code fragment shows how PROPID_M_CONNECTOR_TYPE is added to arrays that can be used to initialize an MQMSGPROPS structure.
CLSID guidConnectorType = 0; // Or the value being set
aMsgPropId[i] = PROPID_M_CONNECTOR_TYPE; // Property ID
aMsgPropVar[i].vt = VT_CLSID; // Type indicator
aMsgPropVar[i].puuid = &guidConnectorType;
Message Properties