700 XP

Understand how Azure NetApp Files provides volumes as a service

Database Administrator
Data Engineer
Data Scientist
Solution Architect
Azure NetApp Files

This module takes a deep dive into network attached storage (NAS) concepts and various NAS protocols supported in Azure NetApp Files. Learn about NAS share and file permissions with Azure NetApp Files.

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, you'll be able to:

  • Classify the various NAS protocols supported in Azure NetApp Files and choose the one that best suits your workload.
  • Describe NAS permissions and their uses.
  • Understand file locking and lock types in Azure NetApp Files


  • Basic knowledge of networked file system protocols, particularly Server Message Block (SMB) and Network File System (NFS).
  • Basic understanding of Azure NetApp Files.

Dëse Modul ass en Deel vun dëse Léierweeër


Bewäert Äert Verständnes vun dësem Modüll. Mellt Iech un a beäntwert all d’Froe richteg, fir eng Passbezeechnung op Ärem Profil ze verdéngen.

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