Improve academic outcomes

Completed 100 XP

Within the Assignments analytics, educators can proactively monitor student progress and analyze performance data.

Assignment status monitors where each student is in the assignment process and highlights if assignments are submitted on time, late, or with multiple submissions.

Grades provides the average for each graded assignment and the overall average for graded assignments within the displayed timeframe. For all assignments, the "grades" are presented in percentages as if all assignments were out of 100 points.

Reading Progress data is also collected as these assignments are created. Knowing where your students stand as readers can inform your teaching strategy and support you in introducing vocabulary and embedding literacy practice opportunities in your routine. Learn more about Reading Progress.

Together, educators can proactively track student progress on assignments ensuring they're progressing and thriving as learners.

Assignments in action


  • Are students viewing and initiating activity on assignments in a timely manner?
  • What is the current timeline for assignment feedback?
  • Do students have the literacy skills they need to interact with this content?


  • Are activities and strategies supporting academic success?
  • Do any students need additional staggering or segmentation of assignments to effectively manage their time?


  • Use assignment data to discuss life skills, like time management and study habits, with classes or small groups.
  • Share data with colleagues to evaluate the totality of student experiences and progress across classes.


  • Connect students to key resources and supports for their individual needs.

Nächst Eenheet: Facilitate student reflection

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