The Just-In-Time (JIT) Debugger dialog in Visual Studio might open when errors occur in a running application. The dialog can prevent the application from continuing execution.
The JIT Debugger gives you the option to launch Visual Studio to debug the error. To follow through with this action, you must have Visual Studio or another selected debugger installed. The debugger provides detailed information about the error and features to help you resolve the issue.
This article explains how you can prevent the JIT Debugger dialog from interrupting application execution.
Disable or respond to JIT Debugger
There are different options for how to respond to the JIT Debugger dialog depending on your Visual Studio installation and task scenario.
The JIT Debugger dialog might open when your Web app encounters an error, even if your configuration doesn't include Visual Studio. This situation can occur if you never installed Visual Studio, or previously uninstalled Visual Studio. In these scenarios, you can try disabling script debugging or server-side debugging.
Disable script debugging for Web app
Follow these steps to disable script debugging for a Web app:
Open Windows Control Panel, and browse to the Network and Internet > Internet Options page.
In the Internet Properties dialog, go to the Advanced tab.
Scroll to the Browsing group, and select the Disable script debugging option.
Depending on your version of Windows and your browser, you might need to select more than one option.
The following example shows two relevant options selected:
Disable server-side debugging for Web app
If you're hosting an ASP.NET Web app in Internet Information Services (IIS), disable server-side debugging with these steps:
Open IIS Manager, and go to the Features View.
In the ASP.NET section, double-click or select .NET Compilation.
The ASP.NET section option is only present if the .NET features were installed using Server Manager.
In the Actions pane, select Open Feature.
For the Behavior > Debug option, select False.
The specific steps are different in older versions of IIS.
Learn how to efficiently debug your .NET app by using Visual Studio to fix your bugs quickly. Use the interactive debugger within Visual Studio to analyze and fix your C# applications.
Debug using the Just-In-Time Debugger in Visual Studio. Just-In-Time debugging can launch Visual Studio automatically when an app returns errors or crashes.
Enable just-in time (JIT) attach debugging to attach a debugger to a process when you encounter errors. It can be triggered by certain methods or functions.