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The IO_CONNECT_INTERRUPT_PARAMETERS structure contains the parameters that a driver supplies to the IoConnectInterruptEx routine to register an interrupt service routine (ISR).


  ULONG Version;
  union {



On input, specifies the particular operation to be performed by IoConnectInterruptEx, as follows.

Version value IoConnectInterruptEx operation
CONNECT_FULLY_SPECIFIED Connects to a specific interrupt using information provided by the Plug and Play (PnP) manager. Use the FullySpecified member to provide the additional parameters of the operation.
CONNECT_LINE_BASED Registers an InterruptService routine for the device's line-based interrupts. Use the LineBased member to provide the additional parameters of the operation.
CONNECT_MESSAGE_BASED Registers an InterruptMessageService routine for the device's message-signaled interrupts. The caller can also specify a fallback InterruptService routine if the device only has line-based interrupts. Use the MessageBased member to provide the additional parameters of the operation.

On return, the routine provides information about the operation, as follows.

Version value Description
CONNECT_FULLY_SPECIFIED The caller specified CONNECT_LINE_BASED or CONNECT_MESSAGE_BASED for Version on a platform that does not support it. Retry the operation using CONNECT_FULLY_SPECIFIED.
CONNECT_LINE_BASED The caller specified CONNECT_MESSAGE_BASED and the caller's fallback InterruptService routine was registered.
CONNECT_MESSAGE_BASED The caller specified CONNECT_MESSAGE_BASED and the caller's InterruptMessageService routine was registered.


Specifies the additional parameters of the operation to be performed by IoConnectInterruptEx when Version has a value of CONNECT_FULLY_SPECIFIED (or CONNECT_FULLY_SPECIFIED_GROUP if the Group member is used). For more information, see Using the CONNECT_FULLY_SPECIFIED Version of IoConnectInterruptEx.


A pointer to the PDO for the device.


A pointer to a location that receives a pointer to the set of interrupt objects for the device.


A pointer to the InterruptService routine to register as the ISR for the device's interrupts.


Specifies the value to be passed as the ServiceContext parameter of the InterruptService routine.


Either a pointer to a spin lock to serve as the interrupt spin lock for the set of interrupts, or NULL. If NULL, the system allocates a spin lock to serve as the interrupt spin lock. If non-NULL, you should have initialized the spin lock with KeInitializeSpinLock.


Specifies the DIRQL at which the ISR will run. If the ISR handles more than one interrupt vector or the driver has more than one ISR, this value must be the maximum IRQL of the set of interrupts. The IRQL for an interrupt is passed in the CmResourceTypeInterrupt resource at the u.Interrupt.Level member of CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR. Otherwise, the Irql and SynchronizeIrql values are identical.


Specifies if the system saves the processor's floating-point state when the interrupt occurs. If TRUE, the system saves the floating-point state.


Specifies whether the interrupt vector is sharable. Line-based PCI interrupts must be sharable. For message-signaled PCI interrupts, driver writers can choose whether their interrupts are sharable, but should choose to make them sharable by default.


Specifies the interrupt vector passed in the CmResourceTypeInterrupt resource at the u.Interrupt.Vector member of CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR.


Specifies the DIRQL passed in the CmResourceTypeInterrupt resource at the u.Interrupt.Level member of CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR. Starting with Windows 8, a driver can register an ISR that runs at passive level by setting Irql and SynchronizeIrql to PASSIVE_LEVEL, and setting SpinLock to NULL. For more information, see Using Passive-Level Interrupt Service Routines.


Specifies a KINTERRUPT_MODE that determines whether the interrupt is level-triggered (InterruptMode = LevelSensitive) or edge-triggered (InterruptMode = Latched). For shared interrupt lines from a PCI bus, specify LevelSensitive. For PCI message-signaled interrupts, specify Latched.


Specifies the KAFFINITY mask that represents the set of processors on which the device's interrupts can occur. This value is passed in the CmResourceTypeInterrupt resource at the u.Interrupt.Affinity member of CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR.


Specifies a group number that identifies the processor group to which the interrupt is to be delivered. Typically, a driver receives its group number as part of the translated resources that are included in an IRP_MN_START_DEVICE request. Starting with Windows 7, the Group member is used if the Version member of the IO_CONNECT_INTERRUPT_PARAMETERS structure is set to CONNECT_FULLY_SPECIFIED_GROUP. The Group member is ignored if Version is set to CONNECT_FULLY_SPECIFIED, in which case the group number for delivery of the interrupt is always 0.


Specifies the additional parameters of the operation to be performed by IoConnectInterruptEx when Version has a value of CONNECT_LINE_BASED. For more information, see Using the CONNECT_LINE_BASED Version of IoConnectInterruptEx.


A pointer to the physical device object (PDO) of the device.


A pointer to a location that receives a pointer to the set of interrupt objects for the device.


A pointer to the InterruptService routine to register as the ISR for the device's interrupts.


Specifies the value to be passed as the ServiceContext parameter of the InterruptService routine.


Either a pointer to a spin lock to serve as the interrupt spin lock for the set of interrupts, or NULL. If NULL, the system allocates a spin lock to serve as the interrupt spin lock. If non-NULL, you should have initialized the spin lock with KeInitializeSpinLock.


Specifies the minimum device IRQL (DIRQL) at which the ISR runs. The system uses this value only if it is greater than the maximum IRQL of the set of interrupts; otherwise, the system uses the maximum IRQL. Drivers almost always specify PASSIVE_LEVEL for SynchronizeIrql. (A driver should specify a value other than PASSIVE_LEVEL only if the ISR must run above a certain IRQL.) Starting with Windows 8, a set of line-based interrupt resources that are assigned to a device can share an ISR that runs at IRQL = PASSIVE_LEVEL. If SynchronizeIrql = PASSIVE_LEVEL, and the maximum IRQL of this set of interrupts is PASSIVE_LEVEL, the InterruptService routine is called at PASSIVE_LEVEL. For more information, see Using Passive-Level Interrupt Service Routines.


Specifies if the system saves the processor's floating-point state when the interrupt occurs. If TRUE, the system saves floating-point state. For x86-based and Itanium-based platforms, this value must be set to FALSE. For more information about saving floating-point and MMX state, see Using Floating Point or MMX in a WDM Driver.


Specifies the additional parameters of the operation to be performed by IoConnectInterruptEx when Version has a value of CONNECT_MESSAGE_BASED. For more information, see Using the CONNECT_MESSAGE_BASED Version of IoConnectInterruptEx.


A pointer to the PDO of the device.


A pointer to a location that receives a pointer to the connection context. If on return Version has a value of CONNECT_LINE_BASED, the routine provides a pointer to a KINTERRUPT structure. If on return Version has a value of CONNECT_MESSAGE_BASED, the routine provides a pointer to an IO_INTERRUPT_MESSAGE_INFO structure.

To minimize casting, ConnectionContext is defined as a union. Use ConnectionContext.Generic to treat the location as a PVOID. Use ConnectionContext.InterruptObject and ConnectionContext.InterruptMessageTable to treat the location as a PKINTERRUPT or PIO_INTERRUPT_MESSAGE_INFO variable respectively.


A pointer to a PVOID variable into which the IoConnectInterruptEx routine writes a pointer to the connection context.


A pointer to a PIO_INTERRUPT_MESSAGE_INFO variable into which the IoConnectInterruptEx routine writes a pointer to the connection context.


A pointer to a PKINTERRUPT variable into which the IoConnectInterruptEx routine writes a pointer to the connection context.


A pointer to the InterruptMessageService routine to register as the ISR for the device's interrupts.


Specifies the value to be passed as the ServiceContext parameter of the InterruptMessageService or InterruptService routine for the interrupt.


Either a pointer to a spin lock to serve as the interrupt spin lock for the set of interrupts, or NULL. If NULL, the system allocates a spin lock to serve as the interrupt spin lock. If non-NULL, you should have initialized the spin lock with KeInitializeSpinLock.


Specifies the minimum device IRQL (DIRQL) at which the ISR runs. The system only uses this value if it is greater than the maximum IRQL of the set of interrupts; otherwise, the system uses the maximum IRQL. Drivers almost always specify PASSIVE_LEVEL for SynchronizeIrql.


Specifies if the system saves the processor's floating-point state when the interrupt occurs. If TRUE, the system saves floating-point state.


A pointer to an InterruptService routine to use as the ISR for line-based interrupts. If the device has no message-signaled interrupts, but has line-based interrupts, the system registers this routine to handle the line-based interrupts.


The IoConnectInterruptEx routine takes a single Parameters parameter, which points to an IO_CONNECT_INTERRUPT_PARAMETERS structure that contains all of the parameters of the operation.


Requirement Value
Header wdm.h (include Wdm.h, Ntddk.h, Ntifs.h)

See also
