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extract / extrac32

Extracts files from a cabinet or source.


On Windows Server 2016 and newer, and on Windows 10, the program file Extract.exe is neither provided nor supported. It is replaced by Extrac32.exe, originally part of Internet Explorer, now part of the operating system.



extract [/y] [/a] [/d | /e] [/l dir] cabinet [filename ...]
extract [/y] source [newname]
extract [/y] /c source destination


Parameter Description
cabinet Use if you want to extract two or more files.
filename Name of the file to extract from the cabinet. Wild cards and multiple filenames (separated by blanks) may be used.
source Compressed file (a cabinet with only one file).
newname New filename to give the extracted file. If not supplied, the original name is used.
/a Process ALL cabinets. Follows cabinet chain starting in first cabinet mentioned.
/c Copy source file to destination (to copy from DMF disks).
/d Display cabinet directory (use with filename to avoid extract).
/e Extract (use instead of . to extract all files).
/l dir Location to place extracted files (default is current directory).
/y Don't prompt before overwriting an existing file.



Extrac32.exe can be used from the command line, but does not display any output on the console. Redirect the help output through the more command, like this: extrac32.exe /? | more

Extrac32 [/Y] [/A] [/D | /E] [/L dir] cabinet [filename ...]
Extrac32 [/Y] source [newname]
Extrac32 [/Y] /C source destination


Parameter Description
cabinet Cabinet file (contains two or more files).
filename Name of the file to extract from the cabinet. Wild cards and multiple filenames (separated by blanks) may be used.
source Compressed file (a cabinet with only one file).
newname New filename to give the extracted file. If not supplied, the original name is used.
/A Process ALL cabinets. Follows cabinet chain starting in first cabinet mentioned.
/C Copy source file to destination (to copy from DMF disks).
/D Display cabinet directory (use with filename to avoid extract).
/E Extract (use instead of . to extract all files).
/L dir Location to place extracted files (default is current directory).
/Y Do not prompt before overwriting an existing file.