Apr 29, 2 PM - Apr 30, 7 PM
Maacht beim ultimative virtuelle Windows Server-Evenement vum 29.-30. Abrëll mat, fir déifgoend technesch Sessiounen an e Live-Q&A mat Microsoft-Entwéckler.
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Upgrat op Microsoft Edge fir vun de Virdeeler vun leschten Eegeschaften, Sécherheetsupdaten, an techneschem Support ze profitéieren.
Diagnoses side-by-side problems.
sxstrace [{[trace -logfile:<filename> [-nostop]|[parse -logfile:<filename> -outfile:<parsedfile> [-filter:<appname>]}]
Parameter | Description |
trace | Enables tracing for side-by-side. |
-logfile | Specifies the raw log file. |
<filename> |
Saves tracing log to <filename . |
-nostop | Specifies that you shouldn't receive a prompt to stop tracing. |
parse | Translates the raw trace file. |
-outfile | Specifies the output filename. |
<parsedfile> |
Specifies the filename of the parsed file. |
-filter | Allows the output to be filtered. |
<appname> |
Specifies the name of the application. |
stoptrace | Stops the trace, if it wasn't stopped before. |
-? | Displays help at the command prompt. |
To enable tracing and to save the trace file to sxstrace.etl, type:
sxstrace trace -logfile:sxstrace.etl
To translate the raw trace file into a human readable format and to save the result to sxstrace.txt, type:
sxstrace parse -logfile:sxstrace.etl -outfile:sxstrace.txt
Apr 29, 2 PM - Apr 30, 7 PM
Maacht beim ultimative virtuelle Windows Server-Evenement vum 29.-30. Abrëll mat, fir déifgoend technesch Sessiounen an e Live-Q&A mat Microsoft-Entwéckler.
Elo umellen