Use the Frequently bought together model - Training
Learn how to use the Frequently bought together model.
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The Impression Funnel provides detailed deal line item metric information in the form of graphs and charts. The Impression Funnel is available in the Troubleshooting window. For more information, see Troubleshooting Line Items.
You can use the Impression Funnel to:
The Impression Funnel includes the following settings and metrics:
Buyers - The buyers associated with the line item. Select the Edit icon to change buyers.
Selecting a buyer filters the Impression Funnel issues and suggested actions to that specific buyer.
Scale - The most useful way to display the line item metrics to for your situation: Linear or Logarithmic.
Metrics - The available deal line item metrics that include:
You can select or deselect metrics to add or remove them from the bar graph for greater clarity.
Time - Use the Time drop-down to select the time frame in which to display the metrics. Choose from:
Rates - The following rates are displayed along with the number of Issues and Actions (if any). Select each rate to display a graphic of the results along with and a more detailed description of any issue and suggested seller and buyer actions:
Use the Frequently bought together model - Training
Learn how to use the Frequently bought together model.