Get your documents signed faster than ever when you add Adobe Acrobat Sign, Microsoft’s preferred e-signature solution, to Microsoft Teams and the Microsoft 365 App. You can sign documents, send for signature, and get real-time updates, all within Microsoft Teams and the Microsoft 365 App.
What is the hosting environment or service model used to run your app?
Which hosting cloud providers does the app use?
Azure, Aws
Questions or updates to any of the information you see here? Contact us!
How the app handles data
This information has been provided by Adobe Inc. about how this app collects and stores organizational data and the control that your organization will have over the data the app collects.
Does the app or underlying infrastructure process any data relating to a Microsoft customer or their device?
What data is processed by your app?
Email and UserId. To sign user in to ensure their consent for the permission of using Adobe Sign app.
Does the app support TLS 1.1 or higher?
Does the app or underlying infrastructure store any Microsoft customer data?
What data is stored in your databases?
Our logs contain sufficient information to be able to identify and fix customer problems. Logs are retained for 90 days and access is restricted. Our database store hashed identification information for authentication while the user is offline. Database retention policy is 30 days from last used
If underlying infastructure processes or stores Microsoft customer data, where is this data geographically stored?
United States of America
Do you have an established data rentention and disposal process?
How long is data retained after account termination?
Less than 30days
Do you have an established data access management process?
Do you transfer customer data or customer content to third parties or sub-processors?
Do you have data sharing agreements in place with any third party service you share Microsoft customer data with?
Questions or updates to any of the information you see here? Contact us!
Does the app perform automated decision making, including profiling that could have a legal effect or similar impact?
Does the app process customer data for a secondary purpose not described in the privacy notice (i.e. marketing, analytics)?
Do you process special categories of sensitive data (i.e. racial or ethnic origin, political opinion, religious or philosophical beliefs, genetic or biometric data, health data) or categories of data subject to breach notification laws?
Does the app collect or process data from minors (i.e., individuals under the age of 16)?
Is consent obtained from a parent or legal guardian?
Does the app have capabilities to delete an individual's personal data upon request?
Does the app have capabilities to restrict or limit the processing of an individual's personal data upon request?
Does the app provide individuals the ability to correct or update their personal data?
Are regular data security and privacy reviews performed (for example, Data Protection Impact Assessments or privacy risk assessments) to identify risks related to the processing of personal data for the app?
Questions or updates to any of the information you see here? Contact us!
Does your application integrate with Microsoft identity platform (Microsoft Entra ID) for single-sign on, API access, etc.?
Have you reviewed and complied with all applicable best practices outlined in the Microsoft identity platform integration checklist?
Does your app use the latest version of MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Library) or Microsoft Identity Web for authentication?
Does your app support Conditional Access policies?
If your app does not use one of the above libraries, what authentication library or libraries does it use?
Does your app support Continuous Access Evaluation (CAE)
Does your app store any credentials in code?
Apps and add-ins for Microsoft 365 might use additional Microsoft APIs outside of Microsoft Graph. Does your app or add-in use additional Microsoft APIs?
Data access using Microsoft Graph
Graph Permission
Permission Type
Microsoft Entra App ID
This information is used to display the names of folders and files when the user is navigating their file hierarchy in the Documents tab. File thumbnails are retrieved and displayed to the user in a detailed side panel when a user selects the file. When the user selects a file to use as part of an agreement, file contents are retrieved and sent to Adobe Acrobat Sign servers for rendering as a PDF form suitable for signature.
This permission is needed so that the app has the ability to open and download attachments in Outlook. With this ability, users can sign those attachments and send those attachments for signature within Outlook.
This permission is used when sending Agreements for signature in Outlook. It allows the app to perform type-ahead matching on the signers for that Agreement.
This permission is used to send notifications regarding a users' Agreements to the activity feed within the Teams app. For example, notifications about Agreements a user has received for signing.
This permission is used to identify the Office user and get their email address so that the app can match the Office user with an Adobe Sign user. It is also used to verify that a users' access token is valid.
This scope is used so that the app can read the email address of a user that logged into the Microsoft app (i.e. Teams, Outlook, etc.) with their work or school accounts.
This scope is used so that actions can be taken on the user's behalf when they are not actively signed in to our add-in. In situations where the app only has access to an Identity Token (for example, Outlook) the app can securely identify the user and update the user's Access Token using the refresh token that the app gets from this scope. This is so that the user does not have to repeatedly sign in to Acrobat Sign each time they want to use the add-in.
This scope is used so that the app can acknowledge the log-in state for those users that logged into the Microsoft app (i.e. Teams, Outlook, etc.) with their work or school accounts. This scope also provides the app the ability to utilize the email and profile scopes.
This scope is used so that the app can read the name, profile picture, and user name of a user that logged into the Microsoft app (i.e. Teams, Outlook, etc.) with their work or school accounts.