1400 XP

Stay connected with remote learning through Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365

K-12 Educator
School Leader
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft 365 Education

Are you moving from a face-to-face classroom to an online/remote learning experience? This module explores the considerations, procedures, and planning that administrators and educators need to examine in preparation for a remote learning experience. As you complete the module, you can use an Action Plan template to guide your work and document your school's plan for remote learning.

Learning objectives

In this module, you will:

  • Explain the difference between remote learning and online learning
  • Identify the considerations that must be evaluated when creating a remote learning plan
  • Plan how to continue the learning and connect with your students
  • Establish routines and create workspaces that foster learning

ISTE Standards for Educators:

  • Educator - Facilitator
  • Educator - Leader
  • Educator - Learner



Modulio įvertinimas

Įvertinkite, kaip suprantate šį modulį. Prisijunkite ir teisingai atsakykite į visus klausimus, kad savo profilyje gautumėte sėkmingo užbaigimo pažymėjimą.

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