04-29 14 - 04-30 19
Prisijunkite prie galutinio "Windows Server" virtualaus renginio balandžio 29–30 d., jei norite surengti gilesnius techninius seansus ir tiesiogiai naudoti "Q&A" su "Microsoft" inžinieriais.
Prisiregistruokite dabarŠi naršyklė nebepalaikoma.
Atnaujinkite į „Microsoft Edge“, kad pasinaudotumėte naujausiomis funkcijomis, saugos naujinimais ir techniniu palaikymu.
Group Policy allows you to specify managed configurations for users and computers. This page will help you create a Group Policy object to manage the OpenSSH Server component.
Before you start, the following prerequisites must be met:
To create a Group Policy to manage OpenSSH perform the following steps:
Forest: your forest name
, expand Domains
, expand your domain.Group Policy Objects
.Group Policy Objects
, then select New to create a new Object.Settings
tab.Computer Configuration
, then select Edit...
.Computer Configuration
, expand Policies
, expand Windows Settings
, expand Security Settings
, then select System Services
.OpenSSH SSH Server
in the services list.Define this policy setting
, Manual
, Disabled
04-29 14 - 04-30 19
Prisijunkite prie galutinio "Windows Server" virtualaus renginio balandžio 29–30 d., jei norite surengti gilesnius techninius seansus ir tiesiogiai naudoti "Q&A" su "Microsoft" inžinieriais.
Prisiregistruokite dabarMokymas
Create and configure Group Policy Objects in Active Directory - Training
This module focuses on Group Policy objects, including using them to enforce a robust password policy.
OpenSSH Server configuration for Windows
Learn about the Windows-specific configuration options for OpenSSH Server on Windows Server and Windows.
Overview of the OpenSSH tools used by Windows administrators for cross-platform management of remote systems.
Key-based authentication in OpenSSH for Windows
Learn about OpenSSH Server key-based authentication, generation, and deployment for Windows using built-in Windows tools or PowerShell.
Get started with OpenSSH for Windows
Learn how to install and connect to remote machines using the OpenSSH Client and Server for Windows.