While some cases may start of as complex, they sometimes turn out to be caused by something not that complex. As the case always is once you have the solution. So I thought I would share some of the things that I've come across, and hopefully tha
All posts are provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
The notes I take while I solve puzzles...
Find some tips & tricks that are related to .NET technologies from this blog.
The query processing team - query optimization & execution - providing tips, tricks, advice and answers to freqeuently-asked questions in a continued effort to make your queries run faster and smoother in SQL Server.
Want fast ideas for getting more fun and use out of your computer every day? Join the conversation here.
Findings, lessons learned and other stuff...
Two parts guidance, one part awareness, and add opinion to taste.
All about Exchange Online and Outlook
Game Evangelist and Independent Game Developer.
lost but making good time
My contribution to the SharePoint community
Este blog es un punto de encuentro en español, para todos los usuarios de Microsoft Project y Visio
Este blog es un punto de encuentro en español, para todos los usuarios de Microsoft Visio.
A small place on the web for me to write about the adventures of my self education in coding
My name is Tom Archer and I'm a Senior MVP Lead. Our team is tasked with recognizes, rewarding and enabling exceptional technical community leaders who foster the free and objective exchange of knowledge by actively sharing their real world Microsoft p
Head in the clouds
Queue and A
A Broad View From Mobile To Web
The Ramblings of Miller. These postings are provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confer no rights.
Where the content is 100% more original than the name
EMEA Office 365 Technical Advisor
Virtualization, Cloud, Azure, Windows Server 2012, Hyper-V, Windows 8, Windows RT, and System Center How-To's, Thoughts, and Discussions
_________________ Now , You know it ;)
Musings on Windows, Graphics, and Technology
Thoughts, Tipcs and Tricks on Dynamics AX and business software in general.
Listen to your heart
Microsoft Unified Communications
notes from the front line
Inside the jelly bean
Describe's my experiences building a club management application for the web, using Visual Studio 2010, ASP.NET 3.5, MVC2, and LINQ to SQL.
Developer - IE | Edge | UX | Privacy | Web Graphics | HTML Platform Infrastructure | Windows. Fighting complexity for 20 years and counting. Technology enthusiast.
Focus on Enterprise Communciations
Microsoft Exchange Premier Field Engineer posting some Questions and Answers from the field.
Tonyso Credo: "Look for a pattern, and solve it for everything"
Blogs about the tools and solutions used in moving to a Microsoft collaboration platform.