Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022 - Azure DevOps Server 2019
Many permissions get set at the project level. You can grant these permissions by adding a user or group to the Project Administrators group. Or, you can grant specific project-level permissions to a custom security group or to a user.
Consider adding users to the Project Administrators group when they're tasked with adding or managing teams, area and iteration paths, repositories, service hooks, and service end points.
Project-level permissions
The following table lists the permissions assigned at the project-level. All of these permissions are granted to members of the Project Administrators group, except for the Delete shared Analytics views and Edit shared Analytics views permissions which are not set. For a description of each permission, see Permissions and groups reference, Groups.
Permissions associated with Analytics requires that the Inherited process model is selected for an on-premises project collection.
Delete team project
Edit project-level information
Manage project properties
Rename team project
Suppress notifications for work item updates
Update project visibility
View project-level information
Delete team project
Edit project-level information
Manage project properties
Rename team project
Suppress notifications for work item updates
View project-level information
Bypass rules on work item updates
Change process of team project
Create tag definition
Delete and restore work items
Move work items out of this project
Permanently delete work items
Bypass rules on work item updates
Change process of team project
Create tag definition
Delete and restore work items
Move work items out of this project
Permanently delete work items
Delete shared Analytics views
Edit shared Analytics views
View analytics
Test Plans
Create test runs
Delete test runs
Manage test configurations
Manage test environments
View test runs
The permission to add or remove project-level security groups and add and manage project-level group membership is assigned to all members of the Project Administrators group. It isn't controlled by a permission surfaced within the user interface.
Create tag definition permission
By default, members of the Contributors group are assigned the Create tag definition permission. Although the Create tag definition permission appears in the security settings at the project-level, tagging permissions are actually collection-level permissions that are scoped at the project level when they appear in the user interface. To scope tagging permissions to a single project when using a command-line tool, you must provide the GUID for the project as part of the command syntax. Otherwise, your change applies to the entire collection. For more information, see Security groups, service accounts, and permissions, Work item tags.
Users granted Stakeholder access can't access select features even if granted permissions to those features. For more information, see Stakeholder access quick reference.
Add members to the Project Administrators group
You can add users who are associated with a project, organization, or collection to the Project Administrators group. This group has specific permissions at the organizations or collection level. To add a custom security group, first create the group as described in Add or remove users or groups, manage security groups.
Here we show how to add a user to the built-in Project Administrators group. The method is similar to adding a Microsoft Entra ID or Active Directory group.
Sign in to your organization ({yourorganization}).
Select Project settings > Permissions.
Select Project Administrators group > Members > Add.
Enter the name of the user account or custom security group into the text box. You can enter several identities recognized by the system into the Add users and/or groups box. The system automatically searches for matches. Choose one or more matches.
Select Save.
Sign in to your organization ({yourorganization}).
Select Project settings > Security.
Select Project Administrators group > Members > Add.
Enter the name of the user account into the text box. You can enter several identities into the text box, separated by commas. The system automatically searches for matches. Choose one or more matches.
Select Save changes >
refresh icon, and then view the additions.
Sign in to your organization ({yourorganization}).
Select Project settings > Security.
Select Project Administrators group > Members > Add.
Enter the name of the user account into the text box. You can enter several identities into the text box, separated by commas. The system automatically searches for matches. Choose one or more matches.
Users with limited access, such as Stakeholders, can't access select features even if granted permissions to those features. For more information, see Permissions and access.
Select Save changes. Choose the
refresh icon, and then view the additions.
Change permissions for a group
You can modify project-level permissions for any group associated with a project, except for the Project Administrators group. Also, each team that is added to a project is automatically included as a project-level group. To add security groups to a project, see Add or remove users or groups, manage security groups. To understand permission assignments and inheritance, see About permissions, Permission states.
You can't change the permission settings for the Project Administrators group. This is by design.
From the Permissions page, choose the group whose permissions you want to change.
For example, we choose the Contributors group and change their permissions for Delete and restore work items to Allow.
Your changes are automatically saved.
If you add a user to the Contributors group, they can add and modify work items. You can restrict permissions of users or user groups to add and modify work items based on the Area Path. For more information, see Modify work items under an area path.
From the Security page, choose the group whose permissions you want to change.
For example, we grant permission to the Contributors group to Delete and restore work items.
Select Save changes.
From the Security page, choose the group whose permissions you want to change.
For example, we grant permission to the Contributors group to delete and restore work items.
If you add a user to the Contributors group, they can add and modify work items. You can restrict permissions of users or user groups to add and modify work items based on the area path. For more information, see Modify work items under an area path.
You can't change the permission settings for the Project Administrators group. This is by design.
Select Save changes.
Change permissions for a user
You can change the project-level permissions for a specific user. To understand permission assignments and inheritance, see About permissions, Permission states.
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