Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022 - Azure DevOps Server 2019
Visual Studio 2019 | Visual Studio 2022
Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) administrators can add check-in policy requirements. These check-in policies require the user to take actions when they conduct a check-in to source control. For example, users can be required to associate work items with changesets.
Prior to enabling or disabling check-in policies, you must first create the check-in policies. For more information, see Add check-in policies. The following procedure describes how to enable or disable check-in policies for your project.
Edit project-level information permission set to Allow.
Pievienojieties meetup sērijai, lai kopā ar citiem izstrādātājiem un ekspertiem izveidotu mērogojamus AI risinājumus, kuru pamatā ir reālas lietošanas gadījumi.
In this module, you'll practice how to meet specific business policies by creating relevant policies to disable GIFs, enable the lobby for all external users and disable desktop sharing remote control.