
Kopīgot, izmantojot

Package.DeletePart(Uri) Method


Deletes a part with a given URI from the package.

 void DeletePart(Uri ^ partUri);
public void DeletePart (Uri partUri);
member this.DeletePart : Uri -> unit
Public Sub DeletePart (partUri As Uri)



The URI of the part to delete.


partUri is null.

partUri is not a valid PackagePart URI.

The package is not open (Dispose(Boolean) or Close() has been called).

The package is read-only.


partUri must be a relative URI that consists of an absolute path which starts with a forward slash ("/") character. The absolute path is relative to the package root and is formed according to the RFC 3986 Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Generic Syntax specification. "/page1.xaml" and "/images/picture4.jpg" are examples of valid part URIs.

No exception is raised if a part with the specified partUri is not in the package. (You can use the PartExists method to determine whether a part with a specified partUri is in the package.)

For additional information, see the Open Packaging Conventions (OPC) specification available for download at

Notes to Inheritors

DeletePart(Uri) internally calls the derived class's DeletePartCore(Uri) method to actually delete the part based on the physical format implemented in the derived class.

Applies to

See also