
Kopīgot, izmantojot

WebPartManager.WebPartDeleted Event


Occurs after a WebPart or other server control has been deleted from a WebPartZoneBase zone.

 event System::Web::UI::WebControls::WebParts::WebPartEventHandler ^ WebPartDeleted;
public event System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPartEventHandler WebPartDeleted;
member this.WebPartDeleted : System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPartEventHandler 
Public Custom Event WebPartDeleted As WebPartEventHandler 

Event Type


The WebPartDeleted event is useful for indicating that a dynamic control (a control added programmatically, as opposed to being declared in page markup) was successfully deleted from a zone. In conjunction with the OnWebPartDeleted method, the event provides developers with a way to update the user interface (UI) or otherwise notify users that a control was successfully deleted.

Applies to

See also