
Kopīgot, izmantojot

Control.AccessibleDescription Property


Gets or sets the description of the control used by accessibility client applications.

 property System::String ^ AccessibleDescription { System::String ^ get(); void set(System::String ^ value); };
public string AccessibleDescription { get; set; }
public string? AccessibleDescription { get; set; }
member this.AccessibleDescription : string with get, set
Public Property AccessibleDescription As String

Property Value

The description of the control used by accessibility client applications. The default is null.


The following code example creates an instance of a CheckBox derived class, MyCheckBox, assigns it an Image to its Image property and sets the AccessibleName and AccessibleDescription properties, because the Text property is null. This example requires that you have a Form named MyForm.

      // Create a 'MyCheckBox' control and
      // display an image on it.
      MyCustomControls::MyCheckBox^ myCheckBox = gcnew MyCustomControls::MyCheckBox;
      myCheckBox->Location = Point(5,5);
      myCheckBox->Image = Image::FromFile( String::Concat( Application::CommonAppDataPath, "\\Preview.jpg" ) );
      // Set the AccessibleName property
      // since there is no Text displayed.
      myCheckBox->AccessibleName = "Preview";
      myCheckBox->AccessibleDescription = "A toggle button used to show the document preview.";
      this->Controls->Add( myCheckBox );
public MyForm()
   // Create a 'MyCheckBox' control and 
   // display an image on it.
   MyCustomControls.MyCheckBox myCheckBox = 
      new MyCustomControls.MyCheckBox();
   myCheckBox.Location = new Point(5,5);
   myCheckBox.Image = Image.FromFile(
     Application.CommonAppDataPath + "\\Preview.jpg");

   // Set the AccessibleName property
   // since there is no Text displayed.
   myCheckBox.AccessibleName = "Preview";
   myCheckBox.AccessibleDescription =
     "A toggle button used to show the document preview.";
Public Sub New()
   ' Create a 'MyCheckBox' control and 
   ' display an image on it. 
   Dim myCheckBox As New MyCustomControls.MyCheckBox()
   myCheckBox.Location = New Point(5, 5)
   myCheckBox.Image = Image.FromFile( _
     Application.CommonAppDataPath + "\Preview.jpg")

   ' Set the AccessibleName property
   ' since there is no Text displayed. 
   myCheckBox.AccessibleName = "Preview"

   ' Set the AccessibleDescription text.
   myCheckBox.AccessibleDescription = _
     "A toggle button used to show the document preview."
End Sub


An object's AccessibleDescription property provides a textual description about an object's visual appearance. The description is primarily used to provide greater context for low-vision or blind users, but can also be used for context searching or other applications.

The AccessibleDescription property is needed if the description is not obvious, or if it is redundant based on the object's AccessibleName, AccessibleRole, State, and Value properties. For example, a button with "OK" would not need additional information, but a button that shows a picture of a cactus would. The AccessibleName, and AccessibleRole (and perhaps Help) properties for the cactus button would describe its purpose, but the AccessibleDescription property would convey information that is less tangible, such as "A button that shows a picture of a cactus."

For more information about properties of accessible objects, see Content of Descriptive Properties.

Applies to

See also