
Kopīgot, izmantojot

DataGridViewBand.Tag Property


Gets or sets the object that contains data to associate with the band.

 property System::Object ^ Tag { System::Object ^ get(); void set(System::Object ^ value); };
public object Tag { get; set; }
public object? Tag { get; set; }
member this.Tag : obj with get, set
Public Property Tag As Object

Property Value

An Object that contains information associated with the band. The default is null.



The following code example uses the Tag property to store a color that is later retrieved to set the BackColor property.

void PostRowCreation()
   SetBandColor( dataGridView->Columns[ 0 ], Color::CadetBlue );
   SetBandColor( dataGridView->Rows[ 1 ], Color::Coral );
   SetBandColor( dataGridView->Columns[ 2 ], Color::DodgerBlue );

void SetBandColor( DataGridViewBand^ band, Color color )
   band->Tag = color;

// Color the bands by the value stored in their tag.
void Button9_Click( Object^ /*sender*/, System::EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
   IEnumerator^ myEnum1 = dataGridView->Columns->GetEnumerator();
   while ( myEnum1->MoveNext() )
      DataGridViewBand^ band = static_cast<DataGridViewBand^>(myEnum1->Current);
      if ( band->Tag != nullptr )
         band->DefaultCellStyle->BackColor =  *dynamic_cast<Color^>(band->Tag);

   IEnumerator^ myEnum2 = safe_cast<IEnumerable^>(dataGridView->Rows)->GetEnumerator();
   while ( myEnum2->MoveNext() )
      DataGridViewBand^ band = safe_cast<DataGridViewBand^>(myEnum2->Current);
      if ( band->Tag != nullptr )
         band->DefaultCellStyle->BackColor =  *dynamic_cast<Color^>(band->Tag);
private void PostRowCreation()
    SetBandColor(dataGridView.Columns[0], Color.CadetBlue);
    SetBandColor(dataGridView.Rows[1], Color.Coral);
    SetBandColor(dataGridView.Columns[2], Color.DodgerBlue);

private static void SetBandColor(DataGridViewBand band, Color color)
    band.Tag = color;

// Color the bands by the value stored in their tag.
private void Button9_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

    foreach (DataGridViewBand band in dataGridView.Columns)
        if (band.Tag != null)
            band.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = (Color)band.Tag;

    foreach (DataGridViewBand band in dataGridView.Rows)
        if (band.Tag != null)
            band.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = (Color)band.Tag;
Private Sub PostRowCreation()
    SetBandColor(dataGridView.Columns(0), Color.CadetBlue)
    SetBandColor(dataGridView.Rows(1), Color.Coral)
    SetBandColor(dataGridView.Columns(2), Color.DodgerBlue)
End Sub

Private Shared Sub SetBandColor(ByVal band As DataGridViewBand, _
    ByVal color As Color)
    band.Tag = color
End Sub

' Color the bands by the value stored in their tag.
Private Sub Button9_Click(ByVal sender As Object, _
    ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button9.Click

    For Each band As DataGridViewBand In dataGridView.Columns
        If band.Tag IsNot Nothing Then
            band.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = _
                CType(band.Tag, Color)
        End If

    For Each band As DataGridViewBand In dataGridView.Rows
        If band.Tag IsNot Nothing Then
            band.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = _
                CType(band.Tag, Color)
        End If
End Sub


The Tag property can store any object that you want to associate with a band. This property is typically used to store identifying information, such as a string name, a unique identifier (for example, a Guid), or the index of the band's data in a database.

Applies to

See also