This rule does not flag parameters that are named with the discard symbol _. In addition, the rule ignores parameters that are named with the discard symbol followed by an integer, for example, _1. This behavior reduces warning noise on parameters that are needed for signature requirements, for example, a method used as a delegate, a parameter with special attributes, or a parameter whose value is implicitly accessed at run time by a framework but is not referenced in code.
The option value specifies if unused parameters should be flagged only for non-public methods or for both public and non-public methods.
For information about configuring options, see Option format.
Option name
Option values
Flag methods with any accessibility that contain unused parameters
Flag only non-public methods that contain unused parameters
' dotnet_code_quality_unused_parameters = all
Public Function GetNum1(unused As Integer)
Return 1
End Function
Friend Function GetNum2(unused As Integer)
Return 1
End Function
Private Function GetNum3(unused As Integer)
Return 1
End Function
' dotnet_code_quality_unused_parameters = non_public
Friend Function GetNum4(arg1 As Integer)
Return 1
End Function
Private Function GetNum5(arg1 As Integer)
Return 1
End Function
Suppress a warning
If you want to suppress only a single violation, add preprocessor directives to your source file to disable and then re-enable the rule.
#pragmawarning disable IDE0060// The code that's violating the rule is on this line.#pragmawarning restore IDE0060
To disable the rule for a file, folder, or project, set its severity to none in the configuration file.
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