Azure security baseline for Microsoft Azure Peering Service
This security baseline applies guidance from the Microsoft cloud security benchmark version 1.0 to Microsoft Azure Peering Service. The Microsoft cloud security benchmark provides recommendations on how you can secure your cloud solutions on Azure. The content is grouped by the security controls defined by the Microsoft cloud security benchmark and the related guidance applicable to Microsoft Azure Peering Service.
You can monitor this security baseline and its recommendations using Microsoft Defender for Cloud. Azure Policy definitions will be listed in the Regulatory Compliance section of the Microsoft Defender for Cloud portal page.
When a feature has relevant Azure Policy Definitions, they are listed in this baseline to help you measure compliance with the Microsoft cloud security benchmark controls and recommendations. Some recommendations may require a paid Microsoft Defender plan to enable certain security scenarios.
Description: Service configurations can be monitored and enforced via Azure Policy. Learn more.
Enabled By Default
Configuration Responsibility
Configuration Guidance: There is no current Microsoft guidance for this feature configuration. Please review and determine if your organization wants to configure this security feature.
Description: Service has an offering-specific Microsoft Defender solution to monitor and alert on security issues. Learn more.
Enabled By Default
Configuration Responsibility
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Configuration Guidance: This feature is not supported to secure this service.
LT-4: Enable logging for security investigation
Azure Resource Logs
Description: Service produces resource logs that can provide enhanced service-specific metrics and logging. The customer can configure these resource logs and send them to their own data sink like a storage account or log analytics workspace. Learn more.
Enabled By Default
Configuration Responsibility
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Configuration Guidance: This feature is not supported to secure this service.
Demonstrate the skills needed to implement security controls, maintain an organization’s security posture, and identify and remediate security vulnerabilities.