Null-veiligheid in C# - Training
Leer hoe u codeert om te voorkomen dat NullReferenceException voorkomt.
Šī pārlūkprogramma vairs netiek atbalstīta.
Jauniniet uz Microsoft Edge, lai izmantotu jaunāko līdzekļu, drošības atjauninājumu un tehniskā atbalsta sniegtās priekšrocības.
By Mark Russinovich
Published: July 4, 2016
Download RegDelNull (511 KB)
This command-line utility searches for and allows you to delete Registry keys that contain embedded-null characters and that are otherwise undeleteable using standard Registry-editing tools. Note: deleting Registry keys may cause the applications they are associated with to fail.
Usage: regdelnull <path> [-s]
Parameter | Description |
-s | Recurse into subkeys. |
Here's an example of RegDelNull when used on a system on which the RegHide sample program has created a null-embedded key:
C:\>regdelnull hklm -sRegDelNull v1.10 - Delete Registry keys with embedded Nulls
Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Mark Russinovich
Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com
Null-embedded key (Nulls are replaced by '*'):
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Systems Internals\Can't touch me!*
Delete (y/n) y
Scan complete.
Download RegDelNull (511 KB)
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Null-veiligheid in C# - Training
Leer hoe u codeert om te voorkomen dat NullReferenceException voorkomt.
Registergebruik - Sysinternals
Bekijk het gebruik van de registerruimte voor de opgegeven registersleutel.
Ga naar het registerpad dat u opgeeft in Regedit.