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App Installer file (.appinstaller) schema reference

This reference provides details for each element, attribute, and data type that defines the schema for an .appinstaller file that defines the packages that are part of a related set.

The following table lists all of the elements in this schema.

Element Description
AppInstaller The root element of the appinstaller document.
Bundle Element that includes information about the app bundle. The child elements of this element requires an exact match of the name, publisher and version from the identity element in the app package bundle manifest.
Dependencies These are dependencies that will be installed if required.
MainBundle Element that includes information about the main bundle that will installed. The child elements of this element requires an exact match of the name, publisher and version from the identity element in the app package bundle manifest.
MainPackage Element that includes information about the main package that will installed. The child elements of this element requires an exact match of the name, publisher and version from the identity element in the app package manifest. ProcessorArchitecture is an optional element.
OptionalPackages Specifies the optional packages.
Package Element that includes information about the package. This elements requires an exact match of the name, publisher and version from the identity element in the app package manifest. ProcessorArchitecture is an optional element.
RelatedPackages Specifies the related packages. These packages won't be installed.
UpdateSettings Use the UpdateSettings element to toggle auto update of installed packages and set an interval for update checks.
OnLaunch Signifies that the deployment service will check for an update to the appinstaller file on the app launch.
s4:AutomaticBackgroundTask Checks for updates in the background. A check is made every 8 hours independently of whether the user launched the app. This type of update cannot show UI.
s4:ForceUpdateFromAnyVersion A boolean that allows the app's version to be incremented or decremented. Without this element, the app can only move to a higher version.
s4:MainPackageType Checks for updates in the background. A check is made every 8 hours independently of whether the user launched the app. This type of update cannot show UI.
s4:RepairUris A boolean that allows the app's version to be incremented or decremented. Without this element, the app can only move to a higher version.
s4:RepairUri A boolean that allows the app's version to be incremented or decremented. Without this element, the app can only move to a higher version.
s4:UpdateUris A boolean that allows the app's version to be incremented or decremented. Without this element, the app can only move to a higher version.
s4:UpdateUri A boolean that allows the app's version to be incremented or decremented. Without this element, the app can only move to a higher version.


Requirement Value
xmlns= This namespace is required for features introduced in Windows 10, version 1803.
xmlns:s4= This namespace is required for features introduced in Windows version 21H2 build 22000
Minimum OS version Windows 10 version 1803 build 17134