Registers a COM server (with one or more class registrations) hosted in a Windows service that is declared with a corresponding desktop6:Service element.
ServiceName = 'A string with a value between 1 and 32767 characters in length with a non-whitespace character at its beginning and end.'
Arguments = 'A string with a value between 1 and 32767 characters in length with a non-whitespace character at its beginning and end.'
DisplayName = 'An optional string with a value between 1 and 256 characters in length. This string is localizable.'
LaunchAndActivationPermission = 'An optional [SDDL string](/windows/win32/secauthz/security-descriptor-string-format) value.' >
<!-- Child elements -->
specific range of occurrences
Attribute | Description | Data type | Required | Default value |
ServiceName | The name of the Windows service that hosts the COM server. This service name must match the name of a corresponding desktop6:Service element in the same application-level Extensions element in the package manifest. | A string with a value between 1 and 32767 characters in length with a non-whitespace character at its beginning and end. | Yes | |
Arguments | The command-line parameters of the service. | A string with a value between 1 and 32767 characters in length with a non-whitespace character at its beginning and end. | No | |
DisplayName | A localizable string corresponding to the default AppID key value. | An optional string with a value between 1 and 256 characters in length. | No | |
LaunchAndActivationPermission | An SDDL string that corresponds to the LaunchPermission value of the AppID key. | An optional SDDL string value. | No |
Child element | Description |
com3:Class | Defines a class registration for the COM server. |
Parent element | Description |
com2:ComServer | Declares a package extension point of type windows.comServer. The comServer extension may include the following types of registrations: ServiceServer, ExeServer, SurrogateServer, ProgId, or TreatAsClass. |
A ServiceServer can have one or more class registrations. Multiple class registrations should share a ServiceServer if their LocalService keys match and they have the same AppID (or if they don't have an AppID), unless they need to be registered under different Applications/Application manifest elements.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Package IgnorableNamespaces="uap com com2 com3 desktop6"
<Application ...>
<desktop6:Extension Category="windows.service" Executable="ContosoPackagedService.exe" EntryPoint="packagedServiceComServer.service">
<desktop6:Service Name="examplePackagedServiceComServer" StartupType="manual" StartAccount="localService" />
<com2:Extension Category="windows.comServer">
<com3:ServiceServer ServiceName="examplePackagedServiceComServer" DisplayName="ServicePackage public service server"
<com3:Class Id="1BB09D24-6A0F-4C1F-BCB5-FB924324B2F5" DisplayName="CLSID_ContosoPublicServiceNoHandler"/>
<com3:TreatAsClass Id="2DAA3C97-F340-4C0E-B23C-92338974C5E9" DisplayName="CLSID_ContosoPublicServiceTreatAs"
<com3:ProgId Id="ContosoPublicServiceNoHandler" Clsid="1BB09D24-6A0F-4C1F-BCB5-FB924324B2F5"/>
<com3:ProgId Id="ContosoPublicServiceNoHandler.1" CurrentVersion="ContosoPublicServiceNoHandler"/>
Item | Value |
Namespace | |
Minimum OS Version | Windows 10 version 2004 (Build 19041) |