29. apr. 14 - 30. apr. 19
Pievienojieties galvenajam Windows Server virtuālajam notikumam no 29. līdz 30. aprīlim, lai iegūtu padziļinātas tehniskās sesijas un tiešraides jautājumus un atbildes ar Microsoft inženieriem.
Reģistrēties tūlītŠī pārlūkprogramma vairs netiek atbalstīta.
Jauniniet uz Microsoft Edge, lai izmantotu jaunāko līdzekļu, drošības atjauninājumu un tehniskā atbalsta sniegtās priekšrocības.
Applies to: Windows Server (All supported versions)
Windows Script Host provides an environment in which users can execute scripts in various languages that use various object models to perform tasks.
wscript [<scriptname>] [/b] [/d] [/e:<engine>] [{/h:cscript|/h:wscript}] [/i] [/job:<identifier>] [{/logo|/nologo}] [/s] [/t:<number>] [/x] [/?] [<ScriptArguments>]
Parameter | Description |
scriptname |
Specifies the path and file name of the script file. |
/b |
Specifies batch mode, which doesn't display alerts, scripting errors, or input prompts. The /b parameter is the opposite of /i. |
/d |
Starts the debugger. |
/e |
Specifies the engine that is used to run the script. This parameter lets you run scripts that use a custom file name extension. Without the /e parameter, you can only run scripts that use registered file name extensions. For example, if you try to run this command:cscript test.admin You receive this error message: Input Error: There's no script engine for file extension .admin .One advantage of using nonstandard file name extensions is that it guards against accidentally double-selecting a script and running something you didn't actually want to run. Using this extension doesn't create a permanent association between the .admin file name extension and VBScript. Each time you run a script that uses a .admin file name extension, you need to use the /e parameter. |
/h:cscript |
Registers cscript.exe as the default script host for running scripts. |
/h:wscript |
Registers wscript.exe as the default script host for running scripts. This behavior is the default when the /h option is omitted. |
/i |
Specifies interactive mode, which displays alerts, scripting errors, and input prompts. The /i parameter is the default and the opposite of /b. |
/job:\<identifier> |
Runs the job identified by identifier in a .wsf script file. |
/logo |
Specifies that the Windows Script Host banner is displayed in the console before the script runs. The /logo parameter is the default and the opposite of /nologo. |
/nologo |
Specifies that the Windows Script Host banner isn't displayed before the script runs. The /nologo parameter is the opposite of /logo. |
/s |
Saves the current command prompt options for the current user. |
/t:\<number> |
Specifies the maximum time the script can run (in seconds). You can specify up to 32,767 seconds. The default is no time limit. |
/x |
Starts the script in the debugger. |
ScriptArguments |
Specifies the arguments passed to the script. Each script argument must be preceded with a slash (/). |
/? |
Displays Help at the command prompt. |
29. apr. 14 - 30. apr. 19
Pievienojieties galvenajam Windows Server virtuālajam notikumam no 29. līdz 30. aprīlim, lai iegūtu padziļinātas tehniskās sesijas un tiešraides jautājumus un atbildes ar Microsoft inženieriem.
Reģistrēties tūlīt