29. apr. 14 - 30. apr. 19
Pievienojieties galvenajam Windows Server virtuālajam notikumam no 29. līdz 30. aprīlim, lai iegūtu padziļinātas tehniskās sesijas un tiešraides jautājumus un atbildes ar Microsoft inženieriem.
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This article provides background and steps to configure and manage the quorum in a failover cluster.
For information about cluster and storage pool quorums in Storage Spaces Direct on Azure Local and Windows Server clusters, see Understanding cluster and pool quorum.
The quorum for a cluster is determined by the number of voting elements that must be part of active cluster membership for that cluster to start properly or continue running. For a more detailed explanation, see the understanding cluster and pool quorum doc.
The quorum model in Windows Server is flexible. If you need to modify the quorum configuration for your cluster, you can use the Configure Cluster Quorum Wizard or the FailoverClusters Windows PowerShell cmdlets. For steps and considerations to configure the quorum, see Configure the cluster quorum later in this topic.
The following table lists the three quorum configuration options that are available in the Configure Cluster Quorum Wizard.
Option | Description |
Use typical settings | The cluster automatically assigns a vote to each node and dynamically manages the node votes. If it is suitable for your cluster, and there is cluster shared storage available, the cluster selects a disk witness. This option is recommended in most cases, because the cluster software automatically chooses a quorum and witness configuration that provides the highest availability for your cluster. |
Add or change the quorum witness | You can add, change, or remove a witness resource. You can configure a file share or disk witness. The cluster automatically assigns a vote to each node and dynamically manages the node votes. |
Advanced quorum configuration and witness selection | You should select this option only when you have application-specific or site-specific requirements for configuring the quorum. You can modify the quorum witness, add or remove node votes, and choose whether the cluster dynamically manages node votes. By default, votes are assigned to all nodes, and the node votes are dynamically managed. |
Depending on the quorum configuration option that you choose and your specific settings, the cluster will be configured in one of the following quorum modes:
Mode | Description |
Node majority (no witness) | Only nodes have votes. No quorum witness is configured. The cluster quorum is the majority of voting nodes in the active cluster membership. |
Node majority with witness (disk or file share) | Nodes have votes. In addition, a quorum witness has a vote. The cluster quorum is the majority of voting nodes in the active cluster membership plus a witness vote. A quorum witness can be a designated disk witness or a designated file share witness. |
No majority (disk witness only) | No nodes have votes. Only a disk witness has a vote. The cluster quorum is determined by the state of the disk witness. Generally, this mode is not recommended, and it should not be selected because it creates a single point of failure for the cluster. |
The following subsections will give you more information about advanced quorum configuration settings.
As a general rule when you configure a quorum, the voting elements in the cluster should be an odd number. Therefore, if the cluster contains an even number of voting nodes, you should configure a disk witness or a file share witness. The cluster will be able to sustain one additional node down. In addition, adding a witness vote enables the cluster to continue running if half the cluster nodes simultaneously go down or are disconnected.
A disk witness is usually recommended if all nodes can see the disk. A file share witness is recommended when you need to consider multisite disaster recovery with replicated storage. Configuring a disk witness with replicated storage is possible only if the storage vendor supports read-write access from all sites to the replicated storage. A Disk Witness isn't supported with Storage Spaces Direct.
The following table provides additional information and considerations about the quorum witness types.
Witness type | Description | Requirements and recommendations |
Disk witness |
File share witness |
The following are additional considerations for a file server that hosts the file share witness:
Cloud witness |
See Deploy a cloud witness. |
If you configure a file share witness or a cloud witness then shutdown all nodes for a maintenance or some reason, you have to make sure that start your cluster service from a last-man standing node since the latest cluster database is not stored into those witnesses. See this also.
As an advanced quorum configuration option, you can choose to assign or remove quorum votes on a per-node basis. By default, all nodes are assigned votes. Regardless of vote assignment, all nodes continue to function in the cluster, receive cluster database updates, and can host applications.
You might want to remove votes from nodes in certain disaster recovery configurations. For example, in a multisite cluster, you could remove votes from the nodes in a backup site so that those nodes do not affect quorum calculations. This configuration is recommended only for manual failover across sites. For more information, see Quorum considerations for disaster recovery configurations later in this topic.
The configured vote of a node can be verified by looking up the NodeWeight common property of the cluster node by using the Get-ClusterNode Windows PowerShell cmdlet. A value of 0 indicates that the node does not have a quorum vote configured. A value of 1 indicates that the quorum vote of the node is assigned, and it is managed by the cluster. For more information about management of node votes, see Dynamic quorum management later in this topic.
The vote assignment for all cluster nodes can be verified by using the Validate Cluster Quorum validation test.
In Windows Server 2012, as an advanced quorum configuration option, you can choose to enable dynamic quorum management by cluster. For more details on how dynamic quorum works, see this explanation.
With dynamic quorum management, it is also possible for a cluster to run on the last surviving cluster node. By dynamically adjusting the quorum majority requirement, the cluster can sustain sequential node shutdowns to a single node.
The cluster-assigned dynamic vote of a node can be verified with the DynamicWeight common property of the cluster node by using the Get-ClusterNode Windows PowerShell cmdlet. A value of 0 indicates that the node does not have a quorum vote. A value of 1 indicates that the node has a quorum vote.
The vote assignment for all cluster nodes can be verified by using the Validate Cluster Quorum validation test.
Dynamic quorum management does not allow the cluster to sustain a simultaneous failure of a majority of voting members. To continue running, the cluster must always have a quorum majority at the time of a node shutdown or failure.
If you have explicitly removed the vote of a node, the cluster cannot dynamically add or remove that vote.
When Storage Spaces Direct is enabled, the cluster can only support two node failures. This is explained more in the pool quorum section
The cluster software automatically configures the quorum for a new cluster, based on the number of nodes configured and the availability of shared storage. This is usually the most appropriate quorum configuration for that cluster. However, it is a good idea to review the quorum configuration after the cluster is created, before placing the cluster into production. To view the detailed cluster quorum configuration, you can use the Validate a Configuration Wizard, or the Test-Cluster Windows PowerShell cmdlet, to run the Validate Quorum Configuration test. In Failover Cluster Manager, the basic quorum configuration is displayed in the summary information for the selected cluster, or you can review the information about quorum resources that returns when you run the Get-ClusterQuorum Windows PowerShell cmdlet.
At any time, you can run the Validate Quorum Configuration test to validate that the quorum configuration is optimal for your cluster. The test output indicates if a change to the quorum configuration is recommended and the settings that are optimal. If a change is recommended, you can use the Configure Cluster Quorum Wizard to apply the recommended settings.
After the cluster is in production, do not change the quorum configuration unless you have determined that the change is appropriate for your cluster. You might want to consider changing the quorum configuration in the following situations:
For more information about validating a failover cluster, see Validate Hardware for a Failover Cluster.
You can configure the cluster quorum settings by using Failover Cluster Manager or the FailoverClusters Windows PowerShell cmdlets.
It is usually best to use the quorum configuration that is recommended by the Configure Cluster Quorum Wizard. We recommend customizing the quorum configuration only if you have determined that the change is appropriate for your cluster. For more information, see General recommendations for quorum configuration in this topic.
Membership in the local Administrators group on each clustered server, or equivalent, is the minimum permissions required to complete this procedure. Also, the account you use must be a domain user account.
You can change the cluster quorum configuration without stopping the cluster or taking cluster resources offline.
In Failover Cluster Manager, select or specify the cluster that you want to change.
With the cluster selected, under Actions, select More Actions, and then select Configure Cluster Quorum Settings. The Configure Cluster Quorum Wizard appears. Select Next.
On the Select Quorum Configuration Option page, select one of the three configuration options and complete the steps for that option. Before you configure the quorum settings, you can review your choices. For more information about the options, see Understanding quorum, earlier in this topic.
To allow the cluster to automatically reset the quorum settings that are optimal for your current cluster configuration, select Use default quorum configuration and then complete the wizard.
To add or change the quorum witness, select Select the quorum witness, and then complete the following steps. For information and considerations about configuring a quorum witness, see Witness configuration earlier in this topic.
On the Select Quorum Witness page, select an option to configure a disk witness or a file share witness. The wizard indicates the witness selection options that are recommended for your cluster.
You can also select Do not configure a quorum witness and then complete the wizard. If you have an even number of voting nodes in your cluster, this may not be a recommended configuration.
If you select the option to configure a disk witness, on the Configure Storage Witness page, select the storage volume that you want to assign as the disk witness, and then complete the wizard.
If you select the option to configure a file share witness, on the Configure File Share Witness page, type or browse to a file share that will be used as the witness resource, and then complete the wizard.
If you select the option to configure a cloud witness, on the Configure Cloud Witness page, enter your Azure storage account name, Azure storage account key and the Azure service endpoint, and then complete the wizard.
This option is available in Windows Server 2016 and above.
To configure quorum management settings and to add or change the quorum witness, select Advanced quorum configuration, and then complete the following steps. For information and considerations about the advanced quorum configuration settings, see Node vote assignment and Dynamic quorum management earlier in this topic.
On the Select Voting Configuration page, select an option to assign votes to nodes. By default, all nodes are assigned a vote. However, for certain scenarios, you can assign votes only to a subset of the nodes.
You can also select No Nodes. This is generally not recommended, because it does not allow nodes to participate in quorum voting, and it requires configuring a disk witness. This disk witness becomes the single point of failure for the cluster.
On the Configure Quorum Management page, you can enable or disable the Allow cluster to dynamically manage the assignment of node votes option. Selecting this option generally increases the availability of the cluster. By default the option is enabled, and it is strongly recommended to not disable this option. This option allows the cluster to continue running in failure scenarios that are not possible when this option is disabled.
This option is not present in Windows Server 2016 and above.
On the Select Quorum Witness page, select an option to configure a disk witness, file share witness or a cloud witness. The wizard indicates the witness selection options that are recommended for your cluster.
You can also select Do not configure a quorum witness, and then complete the wizard. If you have an even number of voting nodes in your cluster, this may not be a recommended configuration.
If you select the option to configure a disk witness, on the Configure Storage Witness page, select the storage volume that you want to assign as the disk witness, and then complete the wizard.
If you select the option to configure a file share witness, on the Configure File Share Witness page, type or browse to a file share that will be used as the witness resource, and then complete the wizard.
If you select the option to configure a cloud witness, on the Configure Cloud Witness page, enter your Azure storage account name, Azure storage account key and the Azure service endpoint, and then complete the wizard.
This option is available in Windows Server 2016 and above.
Select Next. Confirm your selections on the confirmation page that appears, and then select Next.
After the wizard runs and the Summary page appears, if you want to view a report of the tasks that the wizard performed, select View Report. The most recent report will remain in the systemroot\Cluster\Reports folder with the name QuorumConfiguration.mht.
After you configure the cluster quorum, we recommend that you run the Validate Quorum Configuration test to verify the updated quorum settings.
The following examples show how to use the Set-ClusterQuorum cmdlet and other Windows PowerShell cmdlets to configure the cluster quorum.
The following example changes the quorum configuration on cluster CONTOSO-FC1 to a simple node majority configuration with no quorum witness.
Set-ClusterQuorum –Cluster CONTOSO-FC1 -NodeMajority
The following example changes the quorum configuration on the local cluster to a node majority with witness configuration. The disk resource named Cluster Disk 2 is configured as a disk witness.
Set-ClusterQuorum -NodeAndDiskMajority "Cluster Disk 2"
The following example changes the quorum configuration on the local cluster to a node majority with witness configuration. The file share resource named \\CONTOSO-FS\fsw is configured as a file share witness.
Set-ClusterQuorum -NodeAndFileShareMajority "\\fileserver\fsw"
The following example removes the quorum vote from node ContosoFCNode1 on the local cluster.
(Get-ClusterNode ContosoFCNode1).NodeWeight=0
The following example adds the quorum vote to node ContosoFCNode1 on the local cluster.
(Get-ClusterNode ContosoFCNode1).NodeWeight=1
The following example enables the DynamicQuorum property of the cluster CONTOSO-FC1 (if it was previously disabled):
(Get-Cluster CONTOSO-FC1).DynamicQuorum=1
A cluster that does not have enough quorum votes will not start. As a first step, you should always confirm the cluster quorum configuration and investigate why the cluster no longer has quorum. This might happen if you have nodes that stopped responding, or if the primary site is not reachable in a multisite cluster. After you identify the root cause for the cluster failure, you can use the recovery steps described in this section.
After you determine that you cannot recover your cluster by bringing the nodes or quorum witness to a healthy state, forcing your cluster to start becomes necessary. Forcing the cluster to start overrides your cluster quorum configuration settings and starts the cluster in ForceQuorum mode.
Forcing a cluster to start when it does not have quorum may be especially useful in a multisite cluster. Consider a disaster recovery scenario with a cluster that contains separately located primary and backup sites, SiteA and SiteB. If there is a genuine disaster at SiteA, it could take a significant amount of time for the site to come back online. You would likely want to force SiteB to come online, even though it does not have quorum.
When a cluster is started in ForceQuorum mode, and after it regains sufficient quorum votes, the cluster automatically leaves the forced state, and it behaves normally. Hence, it is not necessary to start the cluster again normally. If the cluster loses a node and it loses quorum, it goes offline again because it is no longer in the forced state. To bring it back online when it does not have quorum requires forcing the cluster to start without quorum.
After you have force started the cluster on a node, it is necessary to start any remaining nodes in your cluster with a setting to prevent quorum. A node started with a setting that prevents quorum indicates to the Cluster service to join an existing running cluster instead of forming a new cluster instance. This prevents the remaining nodes from forming a split cluster that contains two competing instances.
This becomes necessary when you need to recover your cluster in some multisite disaster recovery scenarios after you have force started the cluster on your backup site, SiteB. To join the force started cluster in SiteB, the nodes in your primary site, SiteA, need to be started with the quorum prevented.
After a cluster is force started on a node, we recommend that you always start the remaining nodes with the quorum prevented.
Here's how to recover the cluster with Failover Cluster Manager:
In Failover Cluster Manager, select or specify the cluster you want to recover.
With the cluster selected, under Actions, select Force Cluster Start.
Failover Cluster Manager force starts the cluster on all nodes that are reachable. The cluster uses the current cluster configuration when starting.
The following example shows how to use the Start-ClusterNode cmdlet to force start the cluster on node ContosoFCNode1.
Start-ClusterNode –Node ContosoFCNode1 –FQ
Alternatively, you can type the following command locally on the node:
Net Start ClusSvc /FQ
The following example shows how to use the Start-ClusterNode cmdlet to start the Cluster service with the quorum prevented on node ContosoFCNode1.
Start-ClusterNode –Node ContosoFCNode1 –PQ
Alternatively, you can type the following command locally on the node:
Net Start ClusSvc /PQ
This section summarizes characteristics and quorum configurations for two multisite cluster configurations in disaster recovery deployments. The quorum configuration guidelines differ depending on if you need automatic failover or manual failover for workloads between the sites. Your configuration usually depends on the service level agreements (SLAs) that are in place in your organization to provide and support clustered workloads in the event of a failure or disaster at a site.
In this configuration, the cluster consists of two or more sites that can host clustered roles. If a failure occurs at any site, the clustered roles are expected to automatically fail over to the remaining sites. Therefore, the cluster quorum must be configured so that any site can sustain a complete site failure.
The following table summarizes considerations and recommendations for this configuration.
Item | Description |
Number of node votes per site | Should be equal |
Node vote assignment | Node votes should not be removed because all nodes are equally important |
Dynamic quorum management | Should be enabled |
Witness configuration | File share witness is recommended, configured in a site that is separate from the cluster sites |
Workloads | Workloads can be configured on any of the sites |
In this configuration, the cluster consists of a primary site, SiteA, and a backup (recovery) site, SiteB. Clustered roles are hosted on SiteA. Because of the cluster quorum configuration, if a failure occurs at all nodes in SiteA, the cluster stops functioning. In this scenario the administrator must manually fail over the cluster services to SiteB and perform additional steps to recover the cluster.
The following table summarizes considerations and recommendations for this configuration.
Item | Description |
Number of node votes per site |
Dynamic quorum management | Should be enabled |
Witness configuration |
Workloads | Use preferred owners to keep workloads running on nodes at SiteA |
29. apr. 14 - 30. apr. 19
Pievienojieties galvenajam Windows Server virtuālajam notikumam no 29. līdz 30. aprīlim, lai iegūtu padziļinātas tehniskās sesijas un tiešraides jautājumus un atbildes ar Microsoft inženieriem.
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