Veterans Affairs Facilities (Independent Publisher) (Preview)

The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Facilities service offers comprehensive details on VA health, benefits, cemeteries, and Vet Centers, including location, contact information, and services available. Data is sourced from both real-time and historical records, ensuring users have access to the latest facility updates. Authentication is managed via symmetric tokens, and the service provides a robust framework for accessing VA facility information efficiently.
This connector is available in the following products and regions:
Service | Class | Regions |
Logic Apps | Standard | All Logic Apps regions except the following: - Azure Government regions - Azure China regions - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Automate | Premium | All Power Automate regions except the following: - US Government (GCC) - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Apps | Premium | All Power Apps regions except the following: - US Government (GCC) - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Contact | |
Name | Richard Wilson |
URL | | |
Connector Metadata | |
Publisher | Richard Wilson |
Website | |
Privacy policy | |
Categories | Human Resources |
The connector supports the following authentication types:
Default | Parameters for creating connection. | All regions | Not shareable |
Applicable: All regions
Parameters for creating connection.
This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
VA API Key | securestring | The VA API Key for this api | True |
Environment | string | The VA API environment to use (Production or Sandbox) | True |
Name | Calls | Renewal Period |
API calls per connection | 100 | 60 seconds |
Get a facility by ID |
Returns detailed information about a specific facility, identified by its unique ID. |
Get details for a specific service at a facility |
Retrieves detailed information about a specific service offered by a facility, identified by both facility ID and service ID. |
List all facility IDs |
Provides a bulk download option for all facility IDs, with the capability to filter by facility type for more targeted results. |
List all nearby facilities |
Retrieves all facilities within a specified drive time from a given location, with optional filtering by services. |
List facilities |
Query facilities with a combination of optional search parameters. |
List services for a specific facility |
Queries services offered by a facility, with optional parameters to refine results. Supports independent or combined use of |
Returns detailed information about a specific facility, identified by its unique ID.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Facility ID
facilityId | True | string |
The unique identifier of the facility, following the format |
Contains detailed data for a single facility.
- Facility Read Response
- FacilityReadResponse
Retrieves detailed information about a specific service offered by a facility, identified by both facility ID and service ID.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Facility ID
facilityId | True | string |
The facility's unique identifier, structured as |
Service ID
serviceId | True | string |
The unique identifier for the specific service within the facility. |
Contains expanded details for a specific service offered by a facility.
- Detailed Service Response
- DetailedServiceResponse
Provides a bulk download option for all facility IDs, with the capability to filter by facility type for more targeted results.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Facility Type
type | string |
Filter for searching by facility type, such as health, cemetery, benefits, or vet center. |
Provides a list of unique identifiers for VA facilities.
- Facility IDs Response
- FacilitiesIdsResponse
Retrieves all facilities within a specified drive time from a given location, with optional filtering by services.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
lat | True | float |
Latitude from which drive time is calculated. |
long | True | float |
Longitude from which drive time is calculated. |
Drive Time
drive_time | integer |
Maximum drive time in minutes from the location to include facilities. |
Services Filter
services[] | string |
An optional comma separated list of service to filter by. |
Page Number
page | integer |
The page number of results to return. |
Results Per Page
per_page | integer |
The number of results to return per page. |
Response object containing minimum and maximum times to reach nearby VA facilities.
- Nearby Facilities Response
- NearbyResponse
Query facilities with a combination of optional search parameters.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Facility IDs
facilityIds | string |
Comma separated list of facility IDs for the search. |
Zip Code
zip | string |
Zip code for searching facilities, considering only the first five digits. |
state | string |
State for facility search, typically a two-character code. |
lat | float |
Latitude for facility search in WGS84 coordinates. |
long | float |
Longitude for facility search in WGS84 coordinates. |
radius | float |
Radial distance from specified point to filter facility search, in miles. |
Bounding Box
bbox[] | string |
Bounding box coordinates for facility search within a geographic area. |
visn | number |
VISN (Veterans Integrated Service Networks) code for facility search. |
Facility Type
type | string |
Type of facility location to filter search results. |
Services Offered
services[] | string |
A comma separated list of services to filter facilities by the services they offer. |
Include Mobile Facilities
mobile | boolean |
Flag to include or exclude mobile facilities in the search results. |
Page Number
page | integer |
Page number of results to return in a paginated response. |
Results Per Page
per_page | integer |
Number of results per page in a paginated response. |
Describes the response object for one or more VA facilities, including data, pagination links, and metadata.
- Facilities Response
- FacilitiesResponse
Queries services offered by a facility, with optional parameters to refine results. Supports independent or combined use of serviceIds
and serviceType
for filtering.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Facility ID
facilityId | True | string |
Unique identifier of the facility, adhering to the format |
Service IDs
serviceIds | string |
A comma separated list of service IDs to filter the search, usable with or without the |
Service Type
serviceType | string |
Service type to filter the search, usable with or without the |
An object containing a list of detailed services provided by a facility.
- Detailed Services Response
- DetailedServicesResponse
Represents a physical address.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Address Line 1
address1 | string |
First line of the address, typically including street name and number. |
Address Line 2
address2 | string |
Second line of the address, if applicable, such as a building number or complex name. |
Address Line 3
address3 | string |
Third line of the address, if applicable, such as a unit or suite number. |
city | string |
City component of the address. |
state | string |
State code component of the address. |
ZIP Code
zip | string |
Postal (ZIP) code component of the address. |
Holds both mailing and physical addresses for a facility.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
mailing | Address |
Represents a physical address. |
physical | Address |
Represents a physical address. |
Contains phone number information for scheduling an appointment, including extensions and labels.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
extension | string |
The extension number for the appointment phone. |
label | string |
A label describing the appointment phone number (e.g., 'Main phone'). |
number | string |
The primary phone number for appointments. |
type | string |
The type of contact number, such as 'tel' or 'fax'. |
Provides detailed information about a specific service offered by a facility, including appointment information, service availability, and contact details.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Appointment Lead-In
appointmentLeadIn | string |
Provides additional appointment information, which may include HTML or string formatting characters. |
Appointment Phones
appointmentPhones | array of AppointmentPhoneNumber |
A list of phone numbers for scheduling appointments related to this service. |
Last Updated
lastUpdated | date-time |
The date and time when the detailed service information was most recently updated. |
Service Name
name | string |
The name of the service. |
Service ID
serviceId | string |
A unique identifier for the service. |
Service Details Path
path | string |
The URL to a page with more details about this service within the facility's health care system. |
General Service Information
serviceInfo | ServiceInfo |
Basic information about a service provided by the facility, including service type and identifier. |
Service Locations
serviceLocations | array of DetailedServiceLocation |
A list of locations where the service is available. |
Patient Wait Time
waitTime | PatientWaitTime |
Indicates the expected wait times for new and established patients for specific health care services at VA facilities. |
Address information for a specific service location, including street, building, and room details.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Address Line 1
addressLine1 | string |
The primary street address line. |
Address Line 2
addressLine2 | string |
Additional address information, such as building number. |
Building Name/Number
buildingNameNumber | string |
Name or number of the building for the service location. |
city | string |
The city of the service location. |
Country Code
countryCode | string |
The country code of the service location. |
state | string |
The state code of the service location. |
Wing/Floor/Room Number
wingFloorOrRoomNumber | string |
The specific wing, floor, or room number of the service location. |
ZIP Code
zipCode | string |
The postal code of the service location. |
Email contact information related to a specific facility service, including the email address and label.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Email Address
emailAddress | string |
The email address for contacting the facility service. |
Email Label
emailLabel | string |
A label or name associated with the email address. |
Represents the hours of operation for a service, formatted as descriptive text. Hours may vary by holidays or events.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
friday | string |
Hours of operation for Fridays. |
monday | string |
Hours of operation for Mondays. |
saturday | string |
Hours of operation for Saturdays. |
sunday | string |
Hours of operation for Sundays. |
thursday | string |
Hours of operation for Thursdays. |
tuesday | string |
Hours of operation for Tuesdays. |
wednesday | string |
Hours of operation for Wednesdays. |
Provides specific details about a location where a service is offered, including hours, contact info, and scheduling options.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Additional Hours Information
additionalHoursInfo | string |
Details about service location hours that may vary depending on staff availability. |
Email Contacts
emailContacts | array of DetailedServiceEmailContact |
A list of email contacts for facility services. |
Office Name
officeName | string |
The name of the specific office location providing the service. |
Online Scheduling Availability
onlineSchedulingAvailable | string |
Indicates if online scheduling is available for the service. |
Phone Contacts
phones | array of AppointmentPhoneNumber |
A list of phone numbers for scheduling appointments or making inquiries. |
Referral Requirement
referralRequired | string |
Indicates if a referral is required to access the service. |
Detailed Service Address
serviceAddress | DetailedServiceAddress |
Address information for a specific service location, including street, building, and room details. |
Detailed Service Hours
serviceHours | DetailedServiceHours |
Represents the hours of operation for a service, formatted as descriptive text. Hours may vary by holidays or events. |
Walk-Ins Accepted
walkInsAccepted | string |
Indicates if walk-ins are accepted for accessing the service. |
Contains expanded details for a specific service offered by a facility.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Detailed Service
data | DetailedService |
Provides detailed information about a specific service offered by a facility, including appointment information, service availability, and contact details. |
Holds metadata about the response for detailed services, including pagination details.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Pagination Data
pagination | Pagination |
Details the pagination structure of the response, including the current page, total pages, entries per page, and total number of entries. |
An object containing a list of detailed services provided by a facility.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Services List
data | array of DetailedService |
A list detailing each service provided. |
Page Links
links | PageLinks |
Provides hyperlinks to the first, last, next, and previous pages of the paginated response, including a link to related information and the current page. |
Detailed Services Metadata
meta | DetailedServicesMetadata |
Holds metadata about the response for detailed services, including pagination details. |
Represents the distance to a facility in miles, using a decimal format.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Distance in Miles
distance | number |
The distance to the facility, represented in decimal format. |
Facility ID
id | string |
The identifier of the facility. |
Provides a list of unique identifiers for VA facilities.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Facility IDs
data | array of string |
An array of VA facility identifiers. |
Contains metadata for a response, including pagination and distances to facilities.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Distances to Facilities
distances | array of Distance |
An array of distances from a given location to each facility listed in the response. |
Pagination Data
pagination | Pagination |
Details the pagination structure of the response, including the current page, total pages, entries per page, and total number of entries. |
Describes the response object for one or more VA facilities, including data, pagination links, and metadata.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Facilities Data
data | array of Facility |
An array of facility objects providing details about each facility. |
Page Links
links | PageLinks |
Provides hyperlinks to the first, last, next, and previous pages of the paginated response, including a link to related information and the current page. |
Facilities Metadata
meta | FacilitiesMetadata |
Contains metadata for a response, including pagination and distances to facilities. |
Details a single VA facility's attributes, location, and services.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Facility Attributes
attributes | FacilityAttributes |
Comprehensive details describing a facility, including its type, services offered, and location details. |
Facility ID
id | string |
A unique identifier for the facility. |
Facility Type
type | string |
Indicates the top-level type of the facility (e.g., VA health facility). |
Comprehensive details describing a facility, including its type, services offered, and location details.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
address | Addresses |
Holds both mailing and physical addresses for a facility. |
classification | string |
The subtype of the facility, further describing the facility type. |
Facility Type
facilityType | string |
The category of the facility, such as health, benefits, cemetery, or vet center. |
Operating Hours
hours | Hours |
Details the standard operating hours for each day of the week. Note that hours may vary due to holidays or events. |
lat | float |
Geographical latitude of the facility. |
long | float |
Geographical longitude of the facility. |
Mobile Facility
mobile | boolean |
Indicates if the facility is mobile (true) or stationary (false). |
Facility Name
name | string |
The official name of the facility. |
Operating Status
operatingStatus | OperatingStatus |
Describes the current operational status of the facility, indicating normal operations, limited services, closures, or special notices. |
Special Operating Hours
operationalHoursSpecialInstructions | array of string |
Special instructions regarding the operating hours, including exceptions. |
Parent Facility
parent | Parent |
Reference data for a facility's parent organization, including ID and API link. |
Facility Contact Numbers
phone | Phone |
A collection of telephone contact numbers for the facility, covering various services and departments. |
Patient Satisfaction Scores
satisfaction | Satisfaction |
Contains the patient satisfaction scores for services at the facility, including specific health care service areas. |
VA Facility Services
services | Services |
A comprehensive list of all services provided by the VA facility, categorized by type such as benefits, health, and other services. |
Time Zone
timeZone | string |
The time zone in which the facility is located. |
Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN)
visn | string |
The VISN to which the facility belongs. |
website | string |
The official website of the facility. |
Contains detailed data for a single facility.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
data | Facility |
Details a single VA facility's attributes, location, and services. |
Details the standard operating hours for each day of the week. Note that hours may vary due to holidays or events.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Friday Hours
friday | string |
Operating hours for Friday. |
Monday Hours
monday | string |
Operating hours for Monday. |
Saturday Hours
saturday | string |
Operating hours for Saturday. |
Sunday Hours
sunday | string |
Operating hours for Sunday. |
Thursday Hours
thursday | string |
Operating hours for Thursday. |
Tuesday Hours
tuesday | string |
Operating hours for Tuesday. |
Wednesday Hours
wednesday | string |
Operating hours for Wednesday. |
Contains metadata about the response, including the version of data sets used.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Band Version
bandVersion | string |
Indicates the version of the drive time band data set. |
Describes a VA facility located near a specified location, including facility attributes and identifier.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Nearby Facility Time Attributes
attributes | NearbyAttributes |
Provides the minimum and maximum time required to reach the nearby facility. |
Facility ID
id | string |
Unique identifier for the nearby facility. |
Facility Type
type | string |
Specifies the type of the nearby facility. |
Provides the minimum and maximum time required to reach the nearby facility.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Maximum Time
maxTime | integer |
The maximum time, in minutes, to reach the facility. |
Minimum Time
minTime | integer |
The minimum time, in minutes, to reach the facility. |
Response object containing minimum and maximum times to reach nearby VA facilities.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Nearby Facilities Data
data | array of Nearby |
An array of nearby VA facilities. |
Response Metadata
meta | Meta |
Contains metadata about the response, including the version of data sets used. |
Describes the current operational status of the facility, indicating normal operations, limited services, closures, or special notices.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Additional Information
additionalInfo | string |
Provides further details on the facility's operational status, such as specific visitor notices. |
Status Code
code | string |
A code representing the facility's overall operational status. |
Supplemental Status
supplementalStatus | array of SupplementalStatus |
A list of additional statuses providing more detail about the facility's operations. |
Provides hyperlinks to the first, last, next, and previous pages of the paginated response, including a link to related information and the current page.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
First Page Link
first | string |
URL to the first page of the response. |
Last Page Link
last | string |
URL to the last page of the response. |
Next Page Link
next | string |
URL to the next page of the response. |
Previous Page Link
prev | string |
URL to the previous page of the response. |
Related Link
related | string |
URL to related pages or information for the response. |
Current Page Link
self | string |
URL to the current page of the response. |
Details the pagination structure of the response, including the current page, total pages, entries per page, and total number of entries.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Current Page
currentPage | integer |
The number of the current page in the response. |
Results Per Page
perPage | integer |
The number of results displayed per page. |
Total Entries
totalEntries | integer |
The total number of entries matching the query. |
Total Pages
totalPages | integer |
The total number of pages resulting from the query. |
Reference data for a facility's parent organization, including ID and API link.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Parent Facility ID
id | string |
The identifier of the parent facility. |
Parent Facility API Link
link | string |
The URL for API requests regarding the parent facility. |
Veteran-reported satisfaction scores for health care services at VA health facilities.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Primary Care Routine
primaryCareRoutine | float |
Satisfaction score for routine primary care. |
Primary Care Urgent
primaryCareUrgent | float |
Satisfaction score for urgent primary care. |
Specialty Care Routine
specialtyCareRoutine | float |
Satisfaction score for routine specialty care. |
Specialty Care Urgent
specialtyCareUrgent | float |
Satisfaction score for urgent specialty care. |
Indicates the expected wait times for new and established patients for specific health care services at VA facilities.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Effective Date
effectiveDate | string |
The date from which these wait times are effective. |
Established Patient Wait Time
established | number |
Average wait time for established patients seeking non-urgent appointments. |
New Patient Wait Time
new | number |
Average wait time for new patients seeking non-urgent appointments. |
A collection of telephone contact numbers for the facility, covering various services and departments.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
After Hours
afterHours | string |
Contact number available outside of normal operating hours. |
Enrollment Coordinator
enrollmentCoordinator | string |
Direct line to the facility's enrollment coordinator. |
fax | string |
Fax number for the facility. |
VA Health Connect
healthConnect | string |
Contact number for VA Health Connect services. |
Main Contact
main | string |
Primary phone number for the facility. |
Mental Health Clinic
mentalHealthClinic | string |
Contact number for the mental health clinic services. |
Patient Advocate
patientAdvocate | string |
Direct line to the facility's patient advocate. |
pharmacy | string |
Contact number for pharmacy services. |
Contains the patient satisfaction scores for services at the facility, including specific health care service areas.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Effective Date
effectiveDate | string |
The date when the satisfaction scores were last updated. |
Patient Satisfaction
health | PatientSatisfaction |
Veteran-reported satisfaction scores for health care services at VA health facilities. |
Provides information about a specific benefits service offered by the facility.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Service Link
link | string |
URL to detailed information about the benefits service. |
Service Name
name | string |
The name of the benefits service provided. |
Service ID
serviceId | string |
A unique identifier for the benefits service. |
Details a specific health service offered at the facility, including the service name, a unique identifier, and a link to more information.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Service Link
link | string |
A fully qualified link to more information about the health service. |
Service Name
name | string |
The name of the health service provided by the facility. |
Service ID
serviceId | string |
A unique identifier for the health service, which can be used to reference the service programmatically. |
Basic information about a service provided by the facility, including service type and identifier.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Service Name
name | string |
Name of the service provided. |
Service ID
serviceId | string |
Unique identifier for the service. |
Service Type
serviceType | string |
Category of the service provided (e.g., health, benefits). |
Provides information about other types of services offered by the facility that do not fall under the standard health or benefits categories.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Service Link
link | string |
A URL linking to detailed information about the service. |
Service Name
name | string |
The name of the service provided. |
Service ID
serviceId | string |
A unique identifier for the service. |
A comprehensive list of all services provided by the VA facility, categorized by type such as benefits, health, and other services.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Benefits Services
benefits | array of ServiceBenefitsService |
A collection of services related to benefits offered by the facility. |
Health Services
health | array of ServiceHealthService |
A collection of health-related services provided by the facility. |
Last Updated
lastUpdated | string |
The date when the services information was most recently updated. |
Services Link
link | string |
A base URL for accessing detailed information about services at the facility. |
Other Services
other | array of ServiceOtherService |
A list of other services offered by the facility that do not fall under health or benefits. |
Additional status information for the VA facility, providing more specific details beyond the basic operational status.
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Status ID
id | string |
A unique identifier for the supplemental status. |
Status Label
label | string |
A descriptive label for the supplemental status, explaining its meaning in human-readable terms. |